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Kotlin Binary Compatibility Validator (Mirror Universe)

BCV-MU is a Gradle Plugin that validates the public JVM binary API of libraries, to make sure that breaking changes are tracked.

BCV-MU is based on Kotlin/binary-compatibility-validator, and contains improvements to better work with the Gradle API, especially in large projects.

Read more about the validation of the public API in the BCV project:

(The MU tag was chosen because I hope to banish this plugin to the Mirror Universe as soon the improvements here are merged upstream.)


Under-the-hood BCV-MU still uses the signature-generation code from BCV, but the Gradle plugin has been refactored to better follow the Gradle API, and generate API signatures more flexibly.

BCV-MU plugin can either be applied as to a Project in any build.gradle(.kts), or (experimentally) as a Settings plugin in settings.gradle(.kts).


The minimal supported Gradle version is 7.6.

By default, BCV-MU uses BCV version 0.13.2, which can be overridden, but may introduce runtime errors.

Build plugin

BCV-MU can be applied to each subproject as a standard Gradle plugin.

// build.gradle.kts

plugins {
  id("dev.adamko.kotlin.binary-compatibility-validator") version "$bcvMuVersion"

To initialise the API declarations, run the Gradle task

./gradlew apiDump

This will produce API files into the ./api directory of subprojects with the BCV-MU plugin. These API declarations files must be committed to the repository.

To verify that the API declarations is up-to-date, run the Gradle task

./gradlew apiCheck

The apiCheck task will also be run whenever the check task is run.


BCV-MU can be configured in a similar manner to BCV:

// build.gradle.kts

plugins {
  kotlin("jvm") version "1.8.10"
  id("dev.adamko.kotlin.binary-compatibility-validator") version "$bcvMuVersion"

binaryCompatibilityValidator {

  // Explicitly include specific classes, markers, or packages.
  // If any class, marker, or package is defined then all other declarations will be excluded.
  // If no explicit public declarations are defined, then all declarations will be included by default.

  // Packages that are excluded from public API dumps even if they contain public API.
  // Classes (fully qualified) that are excluded from public API dumps even if they contain public API.
  // Set of annotations that exclude API from being public.
  // Typically, it is all kinds of `@InternalApi` annotations that mark
  // effectively private API that cannot be actually private for technical reasons.

  // Disable or enable all BCV-MU tasks for this project

  // Override the default BCV version
Advanced configuration

BCV automatically generates 'targets' for each Kotlin/JVM source set that it finds. these BCVTargets can be specifically modified, or manually defined, for fine-grained control.

// build.gradle.kts

plugins {
  kotlin("jvm") version "1.8.10"
  id("dev.adamko.kotlin.binary-compatibility-validator") version "$bcvMuVersion"

binaryCompatibilityValidator {
  // these are the default values that will be used in all Targets

  // BCV will automatically generate targets for each Kotlin/JVM target,
  // and each can be configured manually for fine-grained control. 
  targets.configureEach {
    // values can be appended to the default values
    // Or overridden

  // BCV will automatically register a target for testFixtures, but it must be enabled manually
  targets.testFixtures {

  // BCV Targets can also be manually defined
  targets.register("customTarget") {
    inputJar.set(tasks.customTargetJar.flatMap { it.archiveFile })
Shared configuration with a convention plugin

To share common configuration it is best to set up a convention-plugin.

If you don't have any convention plugins already, then here's a quick guide.

First, set-up buildSrc by creating a file ./buildSrc/build.gradle.kts

In it, add the kotlin-dsl plugin, and add the BCV-MU plugin as a dependency.

// ./buildSrc/build.gradle.kts

plugins {

repositories {

dependencies {
  // add the *Maven coordinates* of the bcv-MU plugin, not the plugin ID, as a dependency

Next, create a convention plugin. This is where any shared configuration can be defined.

// buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/binary-compatibility-validator-convention.gradle.kts

plugins {
  id("dev.adamko.kotlin.binary-compatibility-validator") // no version needed - it's defined in buildSrc/build.gradle.kts

binaryCompatibilityValidator {

Finally, apply the convention plugin to subprojects. This will automatically re-use the same configuration.

// ./some/subproject/build.gradle.kts
plugins {

Settings plugin

There is experimental support for applying BCV-MU as a Settings plugin.

This allows for applying BCV-MU to all subprojects in a Gradle-friendly way. All subprojects are included by default, and can be excluded using BCV-MU config.

// settings.gradle.kts

buildscript {
  dependencies {
    // BCV-MU requires the Kotlin Gradle Plugin classes are present

plugins {
  id("dev.adamko.kotlin.binary-compatibility-validator") version "$bcvMuVersion"

binaryCompatibilityValidator {

    ":",                // ignore root project
    ":some-subproject", // ignore subprojects explicitly

    // or ignore using a glob pattern

  // set the default values for all targets in all enabled-subprojects 
  defaultTargetValues {

  // these projects will have BCV-MU automatically applied

  // this subproject is explicitly excluded from BCV

  // these subprojects will be excluded by glob pattern


The code in this project is based on the code in the Kotlin/binary-compatibility-validator project.