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development repo for integer hstore replacement in postgres


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The idea of istore is to have an integer based hstore (thus the name) which supports operators like + and aggregates like SUM.

The textual representation of an istore is the same as for hstore e.g.

"-5"=>"-25", "0"=>"10", "5"=>"0", "100"=>"30"

On istore both keys and values are represented and stored as integer. The extension comes with two types istore and bigistore the former having int and the latter bigint as values, keys are int for both.

The use case an optimization for istore is an analytical workload. Think of it as showing distributions of whatever can be represented as integer.


Say you have an event log table where you'd aggregate events with some id and segmentation by date.

  d::date as date,
  j as segment,
  i as id, (random()*1000)::int as count,
  (random()*100000)::int as revenues
  generate_series(1,50) i,
  generate_series(1,1000) j,
  generate_series(current_date - 99, current_date, '1 day') d;

Using istore you would use the id as key and count / revenues as values.

CREATE TABLE istore_event_log AS
  istore(array_agg(id), array_agg(count)) as counts,
  istore(array_agg(id), array_agg(revenues)) as revenues
FROM event_log
GROUP BY date, segment;

To summarize the count for a specific id you would write

istore_test=# SELECT SUM(counts->35) from istore_event_log ;
(1 row)

Time: 29,032 ms

instead of

istore_test=# SELECT SUM(count) from event_log where id = 35;
(1 row)

Time: 374,806 ms

Where you can already see the performance benefit.

Which is mostly due to the reduced IO.

SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size('event_log')) as "without istore", pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size('istore_event_log')) as "with istore";
  without istore | with istore
  249 MB         | 87 MB

The following functions and operators apply to both istore and bigistore types.

istore Operators

Operator Description Example Result
istore -> integer get value for key (NULL if not present) '1=>4,2=>5'::istore -> 1 4
istore -> integer[] get values or key (NULL if not present) '1=>4,2=>5'::istore -> Array[1,3] {4,NULL}
istore ? integer does istore contain key? '1=>4,2=>5'::istore ? 2 t
istore ?& integer[] does istore contain all specified keys? '1=>4,2=>5'::istore ?& ARRAY[1,3] f
istore ?| integer[] does istore contain any of the specified keys? '1=>4,2=>5'::istore ?| ARRAY[1,3] t
istore || istore concatenate istores '1=>4, 2=>5'::istore || '3=>4, 2=>7' "1"=>"4", "2"=>"7", "3"=>"4"
istore + istore add value of matching keys (missing key will be treated as 0) '1=>4,2=>5'::istore + '1=>4,3=>6'::istore "1"=>"8", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6"
istore + integer add right operant to all values '1=>4,2=>5'::istore + 3 "1"=>"7", "2"=>"8"
istore - istore subtract value of matching keys (missing key will be treated as 0) '1=>4,2=>5'::istore - '1=>4,3=>6'::istore "1"=>"0", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"-6"
istore - integer subtract right operant to all values '1=>4,2=>5'::istore - 3 "1"=>"1", "2"=>"2"
istore * istore multiply value of matching keys (missing key will be ignored) '1=>4,2=>5'::istore * '1=>4,3=>6'::istore "1"=>"16"
istore * integer multiply right operant to all values '1=>4,2=>5'::istore * 3 "1"=>"12", "2"=>"15"
istore / istore divide value of matching keys (missing key will be ignored) '1=>4,2=>5'::istore / '1=>4,3=>6'::istore "1"=>"1"
istore / integer divide right operant to all values '1=>4,2=>5'::istore / 3 "1"=>"1", "2"=>"1"
%% istore convert istore to array of alternating keys and values %% '1=>4,2=>5'::istore {1,4,2,5}
%# istore convert istore to two-dimensional key/value array %# '1=>4,2=>5'::istore {{1,4},{2,5}}

istore Functions

Function Return type Description Example Result
exist(istore, integer) boolean does istore contain key? exist('1=>4,5=>10'::istore, 5) t
min_key(istore) integer get the smallest key from an istore (NULL if not present) min_key('1=>4,5=>10'::istore) 1
max_key(istore) integer get the biggest key from an istore (NULL if not present) max_key('1=>4,5=>10'::istore) 5
max_value(istore) integer get the biggest value from an istore (NULL if not present) max_value('1=>4,5=>10'::istore) 10
fetchval(istore, integer) integer get value for key (NULL if not present) fetchval('1=>4,5=>10'::istore, 5) 10
akeys(istore) int[] get istore's keys as an array akeys('1=>3,2=>4') {1,2}
avals(istore) int[] get istore's values as an array avals('1=>3,2=>4') {3,4}
skeys(istore) setof int get istore's keys as a set skeys('1=>3,2=>4') 1
svals(istore) setof int get istore's values as a set svals('1=>3,2=>4') 3
istore_to_json(istore) json get istore as a json value istore_to_json('1=>4,3=>0,5=>10'::istore) {"1": 4, "3": 0, "5": 10}
compact(istore) istore remove 0 value keys compact('1=>4,3=>0,5=>10'::istore) "1"=>"4", "5"=>"10"
add(istore, istore) istore add value of matching keys (missing key will be treated as 0) add('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) "1"=>"8", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6"
add(istore, integer) istore add right operant to all values add('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) "1"=>"8", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6"
subtract(istore, istore) istore subtract value of matching keys (missing key will be treated as 0) subtract('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) "1"=>"0", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"-6"
subtract(istore, integer) istore subtract right operant to all values subtract('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) "1"=>"0", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"-6"
multiply(istore, istore) istore multiply value of matching keys (missing key will be ignored) multiply('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) "1"=>"16"
multiply(istore, integer) istore multiply right operant to all values multiply('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) "1"=>"16"
divide(istore, istore) istore divide value of matching keys (missing key will be ignored) divide('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) "1"=>"1"
divide(istore, integer) istore divide right operant to all values divide('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>4,3=>6'::istore) "1"=>"1"
istore(integer[]) istore construct an istore from an array by counting elements istore(ARRAY[1,2,1,3,2,2]) "1"=>"2", "2"=>"3", "3"=>"1"
sum_up(istore) bigint sum values of an istore sum_up('1=>4,2=>5'::istore) 9
sum_up(istore, integer) bigint sum values of an istore up to a given key sum_up('1=>4,2=>5,3=>5'::istore,2) 9
istore(integer[], integer[]) istore construct an istore from separate key and value arrays istore(ARRAY[1,2,3], ARRAY[4,5,6]) "1"=>"4", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6"
fill_gaps(istore, integer, integer) istore fill missing istore keys upto second parameter with third parameter fill_gaps('1=>4,3=>10'::istore,4,2) "0"=>"2", "1"=>"4", "2"=>"2", "3"=>"10", "4"=>"2"
accumulate(istore) istore for each key calculate the rolling sum of values accumulate('1=>4,3=>10'::istore) "1"=>"4", "2"=>"4", "3"=>"14"
accumulate(istore, integer) istore for each key calculate the rolling sum of values upto second parameter accumulate('1=>4,3=>10'::istore, 4) "1"=>"4", "2"=>"4", "3"=>"14", "4"=>"14"
istore_seed(integer, integer, integer) istore create an istore from first to second parameter with third parameter value istore_seed(2, 4, 5) "2"=>"5", "3"=>"5", "4"=>"5"
istore_val_larger(istore, istore) istore merge istores with larger values istore_val_larger('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>5,3=>6'::istore) "1"=>"5", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6"
istore_val_smaller(istore, istore) istore merge istores with smaller values istore_val_smaller('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>5,3=>6'::istore) "1"=>"4", "2"=>"5", "3"=>"6"
each(istore) setof(key int, value int) get istore's keys and values as a set each('1=>4,5=>10'::istore) key | value
1 | 4
5 | 10
istore_to_json(istore) integer[] get istore's keys and values as json istore_to_json('1=>4,2=>5'::istore) {"1": 4, "2": 5}
istore_to_array(istore) integer[] get istore's keys and values as an array of alternating keys and values istore_to_array('1=>4,2=>5'::istore) {1,4,2,5}
istore_to_matrix(istore) integer[] get istore's keys and values as a two-dimensional array istore_to_matrix('1=>4,2=>5'::istore) {{1,4},{2,5}}
slice(istore, integer[]) istore extract a subset of an istore slice('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, ARRAY[2]) "2"=>"5"
slice(istore, min integer, max integer) istore extract a subset of an istore where keys are between min and max slice('1=>4,2=>5,3=>6,4=>7'::istore, 2, 3) "2"=>"5","3=>6"
slice_array(istore, integer[]) integer[] extract a subset of an istore slice_array('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, ARRAY[2]) {5}
clamp_below(istore, integer) istore delete k/v pair up to a specified threshold and write their sum clamp_below('1=>4,2=>5,3=>6'::istore, 2) "2"=>"9","3"=>"6"
clamp_above(istore, integer) istore delete k/v pair down to a specified threshold and write their sum clamp_above('1=>4,2=>5,3=>6'::istore, 2) "1"=>"4","2"=>"11"
delete(istore, integer) istore delete pair with matching key delete('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, 2) "1"=>"4"
delete(istore, integer[]) istore delete pair with matching keys delete('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, ARRAY[2]) "1"=>"4"
exists_all(istore, integer[]) boolean does istore contain all specified keys? exists_all('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, ARRAY[2]) t
exists_any(istore, integer[]) boolean does istore contain any of the specified keys? exists_any('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, ARRAY[2]) t
delete(istore, istore) istore delete matching pairs delete('1=>4,2=>5'::istore, '1=>3,2=>5') "1"=>"4"
concat(istore, istore) istore concat two istores concat('1=>4, 2=>5'::istore, '3=>4, 2=>7'::istore) "1"=>"4", "2"=>"7", "3"=>"4"
istore_in_range(istore, integer, integer) boolean do istore values lie within the given (inclusive) range? istore_in_range('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 0, 44) t
istore_less_than(istore, integer) boolean do istore values lie below the given value? istore_less_than('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 44) f
istore_less_than_or_equal(istore, integer) boolean do istore values lie below or equal to the given value? istore_less_than_or_equal('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 44) t
istore_greater_than(istore, integer) boolean do istore values lie above the given value? istore_greater_than('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 2) f
istore_greater_than_or_equa(istore, integer) boolean do istore values lie above or equal to the given value? istore_greater_than_or_equal('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 2) t
istore_floor(istore, integer) istore replace all values lower than the boundary with the boundary value istore_floor('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 20) "-1"=>"20", "10"=>"20", "5"=>"44"
istore_ceiling(istore, integer) istore replace all values greater than the boundary with the boundary value istore_ceiling('-1=>2, 10=>17, 5=>44'::istore, 20) "-1"=>"2", "10"=>"17", "5"=>"20"

istore Aggregate Functions

Function Argument Type(s) Return Type Description
sum(expression) istore, bigistore bigistore sum of expression across all input values
min(expression) istore, bigistore same as argument type merge across all input values by selecting minimum keys value
max(expression) istore, bigistore same as argument type merge across all input values by selecting maximum keys value


istore has GIN index support for the ? operators For example:

CREATE INDEX hidx ON testistore USING GIN (i);


Alex Kliukin, Berlin, adjust GmbH, Germany

Ildar Musin, Berlin, adjust GmbH, Germany

Manuel Kniep, Berlin, adjust GmbH, Germany

Robert Abraham, Berlin, adjust GmbH, Germany

GIN index support by Emre Hasegeli, Hamburg, Germany