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/ helix-content-proxy Public archive

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Helix Content Proxy

Helix Content Proxy is not a Content Repository


codecov CircleCI GitHub license GitHub issues LGTM Code Quality Grade: JavaScript semantic-release


helix-content-proxy serves Markdown documents (later JSON tables, too) from data sources supported by Project Helix (GitHub, Google Docs, OneDrive) and applies transparent resolution of an fstab.yaml configuration files, so that all kinds of content can be retrieved just by knowing owner, repo, ref, and path. helix-content-proxy is intended to be used by helix-pipeline, where it will replace the existing logic for fetching external content from Google Docs and OneDrive and behave like a drop-in-replacement to





When requesting a JSON resource, use the limit and offset URL parameters to restrict the results.


helix-content-proxy is served with following caching settings:

cache-control: max-age=30758400
surrogate-control: max-age=30758400, stale-while-revalidate=30758400, stale-if-error=30758400, immutable
x-last-activation-id: c0f5d3fbbe584a81b5d3fbbe587a81fc
x-openwhisk-activation-id: 9f934cae5e6c482a934cae5e6c182ac3
  • cache-control: to keep content cached in Adobe I/O Runtime and by helix-fetch
  • surrogate-control: to keep content cached in Fastly (with push invalidation)
  • x-source-location: to allow helix-pipeline to calculate a source hash for surrogate-key based push invalidation

For more, see the API documentation.


Deploying Helix Content Proxy

Deploying Helix Content Proxy requires the wsk command line client, authenticated to a namespace of your choice. For Project Helix, we use the helix namespace.

All commits to main that pass the testing will be deployed automatically. All commits to branches that will pass the testing will get commited as /helix-services/content-proxy@ci<num> and tagged with the CI build number.