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Universal Editor Sample App

Using the Sample App

This Sample App is hosted at Per Default the content is retrieved and written back to our Production Demo Environment:


If you'd like to retrieve content from another environment add authorHost & publishHost as query parameters, e.g.

respectively if run on local dev environment:



  • AEMCS instance is available
  • WKND project is installed on the instance
  • CORS enabled on AEM instance for the app
  • For local development with editor, ensure app is using https

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open https://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder. Utilize a gulp task to bundle all the JS and CSS files in the static build folder into the single main index.html file. This is useful for having the index.html bundle file automatically deployed on when pushing new changes on the main branch.

This command is executed automatically before each commit by the pre-commit script.

Automatic deployment flow

The application uses the husky package (, for adding a pre-commit script, located in the .husky folder. The pre-commit script will be run before each commit. It will build the project and will add the build bundle from build/index.html to the commit. We expose this bundle to GitHub. This is happening due to the usage of internal artifactory packages (we cannot build the project on a deployment environment).

The flow is that we build the application locally and deploy the bundle through GitHub workflow to, on each PR merged to the main branch.

Manual deployments


Install Netlify CLI

npm install netlify-cli -g

Set the following environment variables in your terminal settings (for

NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN = <authentication token>

NETLIFY_SITE_ID = <site id where to deploy>

Deploy commands

Run in project root:

npm run deploy - deploy the app at any point to a non-production link, e.g

npm run deploy prod - deploy the app to the production link (this is usually not needed, the application is automatically deployed on every PR merged to the main branch).

If case of permission issues, run chmod +x deploy/ at the root of the project.


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