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Hygen templates for use in Vue CLI projects

DEPRECATED: Please use Nuxi


Install hygen-add if not already

$ yarn global add hygen-add


$ hygen-add bweble


Add a script named new to your package.json

"scripts": {
    "serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
    "build": "vue-cli-service build",
    "lint": "vue-cli-service lint",
    "new": "hygen generator"

Then you can invoke the generator templates.

New Component

$ yarn new component

or if you didn't add the script

$ yarn hygen generator component

New Import

$ yarn new import

or if you didn't add the script

$ yarn hygen generator import

These two generators should work out the box with any VueCLI project.

There are also 2 other generators included view and view-nav these are a WIP and won't work as expected just yet.

I've left them in incase anyone wants to clone / fork the repo and play around with them.


Pull requests to add or improve generators are very welcome. Github

More Info

hygen hygen-add