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Salesforce Weekly - Getting started with Unlocked Packages

Installation Instructions

Setup your environment

  • Sign up for a Spring '19 pre-release org and enable Dev Hub
  • Install the pre-release version of the Salesforce CLI
  • Install Visual Studio Code
  • Install the Visual Studio Code Salesforce extensions

Clone this repository

git clone

CD into new directory

Set sfdx defaultuser to be your source / production org

sfdx force:config:set defaultusername=xxx

Edit sfdx-project.json and set the path for your first package (e.g application-package) -

  "packageDirectories": [
      "path": "<UnlockedPackageFolder>",
      "default": true
  "namespace": "",
  "sfdcLoginUrl": "",
  "sourceApiVersion": "45.0"

mkdir which matches path from step 5 (e.g. application-package)

  mkdir <UnlockedPackageFolder>

Preparing Unlocked Package Source

Understanding Org Dependencies

  • In Salesforce > Setup > Package Manager > New Unmanged Package
  • Select changes which you intend to package
  • Try starting with central objects (Application_Event__c) or an App (Application Events)

Tip - this will help you indentify and understand dependencies

Pulling Packaging source locally

In order to create your Unlocked Package you need pull the source down locally and convert it to DX.

Pull down unmanaged package created previously from the Salesforce UI

sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve -p <UnmanagedPackageName> -u source -r  .

Next convert the unzipped source into the the DX source format using the following command

sfdx force:mdapi:convert -r <UnzipedFolder> -d <UnlockedPackageFolder>

You are ready to create unlocked package from here...

Alternative ways to get package source

Use Python Script & CSV

  • Add list of items to scripts/Build.csv
  • Run following bash script

This will output to the manifest/package.xml

IDE & Tools

  • Use an IDE like Illuiminated Cloud
  • Use an online app like Package Builder

Salesforce CLI

Use the source retrieve command to bring down source

sfdx force:source:retrieve -m CustomObject,Layout

This will pull down custom objects and all layouts - you can then manual narrow your package source down to what is required for your package

Create your first package

Let's create our package using the source from the path specificed in the sfdx-project.json

-v our packaging org
-r the path to the source (e.g. application-packaging)
-n the name of the package (will also become the package alias)
-e no namespace
-d description of the package
-t type of package e.g. unlocked

sfdx force:package:create -v source -r application-package -n application-package -e -d "application package" -t unlocked

Review the sfdx-project.json for details of package

Create your first package version

Let's create an installable version of our package

-p this is our package name/alias
-d the path to the source
-x no installation key (no password in other words)
-w wait for X (syncronously wait for the package version is created)
-v our packaging org

sfdx force:package:version:create -p application-events -d application-events -x --wait 10 -v source

Review the sfdx-project.json for details of package version

Useful Packaging Commands

List Packages

sfdx force:package:list -v play

View Versions

sfdx force:package:version:list -v play


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