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Example Backstage app

Development environment

The recommended development environment is a GitHub Codespace, as this will configure everything for you in minimal time. All you need to do is create a Codespace from this repo. When you create your Codespace, it's recommended to give it no less than 8GB of RAM, to avoid out of memory problems.

Run the app

The Backstage app files in this repo were generated by running npx @backstage/create-app@latest, as per the instructions in the Backstage getting started guide.

To run the app (as per the Backstage getting started guide:

  • cd my-backstage-app && yarn dev && cd ../

  • go to http://localhost:3000

    NB the app may automatically open the app in the browser with rather than localhost, but if it does then close that browser tab and use the above localhost URL instead (with it cannot load the backend because of CORS).