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AgriWebb Marketplace Sample App

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The AgriWebb Marketplace supports the OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Grant Flow; this sample app demonstrates how a server-side rendered application can integrate with the AgriWebb Marketplace. You can try out this sample app at the following link This app will go through the integration process and displays a list of allowed farms after you have completed the integration. To learn more, please see the AgriWebb API Documentation.


This sample app is a serverless project built on AWS Lambda and DynamoDB. The app is structured into three main folders, oauth2, server, and views. The oauth2 folder contains all the related authorisation logic, the server folder contains the corresponding application code, and the views folder contains the rendered HTML. The oauth2 folder sans a few lines of user-related code is a normative reference for implementing an OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Grant client. This code has four main components: the install endpoint, state manager, callback endpoint, and token exchange.


AgriWebb Marketplace to Auth Dialog

graph LR
    A[AW Marketplace] -->|enable| B(Sample App Install Endpoint)
    B --> |Auth Request| C[AW Auth Server]
    C -->|Redirect| D{AW Auth Dialog}

AgriWebb Auth Dialog to Auth Server

graph LR
    D{AW Auth Dialog} -->|Allow| E[AW Auth Server]
    D -->|Cancel| F[AW Auth Server]
    F -->|Redirect| G[Sample App Authorise Callback - Error]
    E -->|Redirect| H[Sample App Authorise Callback - Code]
    H -->|Token Exchange| I{AW Auth Server}

AgriWebb Auth Server to Marketplace

graph LR
    I{AW Auth Server}
    I -->|Functional| J[Marketplace Callback]
    I -->|Non-functional| K[Marketplace Callback]
    J -->|Redirect| L[AW Marketplace Enabled]
    K -->|Redirect| M[AW Marketplace Error]

Install Endpoint

The install endpoint begins the OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Grant, where the sample app (OAuth 2.0 Client) creates an authorisation request to the AgriWebb auth server (OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Server). The install endpoint redirects the users' browser to the /authorize route with the required parameters appended. Our implementation requires that if you receive a parameter called organization, you must pass it through to the AgriWebb auth server; this prevents the user from having to re-input their organisation.

State Manager

The state manager is a collection of utility functions for working with the state parameter, which is vital for preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). It must be non-guessable and stored in a location accessible only to the client and the user-agent (i.e., protected by same-origin policy). The state manager's implementation generates a cryptographically random state parameter and an HMAC-SHA256 signature. It utilizes an expiring "same-site" cookie to store the state's signature for verification on the callback endpoint.

Callback Endpoint

The callback endpoint is where the sample app (OAuth 2.0 Client) receives the response associated with the authorisation request it made from the install endpoint. This response will be one of two responses; an error response containing an error parameter and optionally an error_description and error_uri, or the authorisation code, which is exchangeable for credentials by performing a token exchange. The callback endpoint must verify the state parameter.

Token Exchange

The token exchange process allows the sample app (OAuth 2.0 Client) to use different exchange processes to obtain an access_token and other related tokens. At the time of writing this, we support two token exchange types; authorization_code and refresh_token. To authenticate during the token exchange, you must perform Client Authentication using The Basic Authorisation Scheme with the provided client_id and client_secret as the username and password.


A sample app for integrating into the AgriWebb Marketplace







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