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Equippable Items

drossos edited this page May 24, 2017 · 2 revisions


Equippale Items are an extension of a normal Item and have a few unique properties including

  • Boolean saying if it is equipped
  • String that dictates the type of Equippable it is
  • Stats for what the Equippable does (speed, armour etc)

Equipping and Unequipping

The player can have up to 5 distinct types of Equippables equipped at one time which is stored in an array in the Player. This means that you can't have for say two pieces of armour with the type boot equipped at the same time. If you attempt to do this you will switch out the equipped item and the item you are trying to equip. You can also unequip the item only if it is in the player's inventory and is currently equipped. Stat boosts will stack with other equipped items and will stats will adjust if a certain piece of armour is unequipped.

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