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Sphinx documentation

This an initiation project about the Sphinx python documentation generator, being majorly influenced by the getting-started beginners tutorial.

The aim is to acquire the fundamentals of how projects are created and structured and to give a quick taste of what Sphinx is and how you might use it to those willing to learn.

Besides, feel free to leave feedback if any improvement, or email me with questions.

Table of contents

Getting started

Cloning the repository

Once you get the repository on your local machine, let's create your own python environment

$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate # if using Windows, just type `.venv/bin/activate.bat` in the command-prompt

Then, you should get all the dependencies via

(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

In this way, all the dependencies specified in the requirements.txt to work with will be added into the new python environment.

From scratch

If you prefer to create your own project from scratch, just in a new directory, create a file called README.rst and generate a python virtual environment just like above.

Then you should install the python module sphinx as follows:

(.venv) $ pip install sphinx

Finally, for creating the documentation is easy as:

(.venv) $ sphinx-quickstart docs

This will present you a series of questions relatives to the project and will generate the project strucuture.

Project structure

├── docs
|   ├── build                <- Empty directory (for now) that will hold the rendered documentation.
|   ├── source
|   |   ├──          <- Configuration Sphinx project. Contains some configuration keys.
|   |   ├── index.rst        <- The root document of the project serving as a welcome page.
|   |   ├── _static          <- For custom stylesheets and other static files.
|   |   └── _templates       <- For custom HTML templates.
|   |
|   ├── Makefile             <- Makefile and make.bat are convenience scripts to simplify some common Sphinx operations, such as rendering.
|   └── make.bat
├── .gitignore
├── README.rst               <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
└── requirements.txt         <- Python virtual environment requirements generated with `pip freeze > requirements.txt`

Rendering the documentation

You may use the sphinx-build command:

(.venv) $ sphinx-build -b html docs/source/ docs/build/html

or leverage the convenience script as follows:

cd docs
make html

Note these are examples for HTML, but Sphinx supports a variety of formats including PDF, EPUB and more.


Run on your browser the docs/build/html/index.html to visualize the project documentation.

Note this is using the build/html directory, but if any other format is rendered you may find the index.html in its corresponding folder.

Sphinx customization

By using core Sphinx: extensions and themes.

Using a third-party HTML theme

To customize the appearence of your documentation. Sphinx has several built-in themes, and there are also third-party ones.

For example, to use the Furo theme you will need to install it in your python environment like this:

$ pip install furo

And then locate the html_theme on your to set it up.

Multiple pages

The file index.rst is the root document serving as a welcome page and contain the root of the "table of contents tree" (or toctree). But, Sphinx allows you to assemble a project from different files. And remember to add a toctree directive at the end of index.rst including the new files.

Note: documents outisde toctree will result in WARNING.

Where to go from here

This are the first steps to create a documentation project with Sphinx. To continue learning more, check out the rest of the documentation.


Simple documentation project using Sphinx








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