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These dotfiles are for use on shared or personal Alberon accounts.

You can also fork them to make your own copy, which you can customise to your liking (see below).


Installing on Linux

wget # Or: wget
. cfg

If you are installing the main Alberon dotfiles (not a fork) on a personal account (not shared), set your name and email address:

setup-identity 'Your Name' ''

(This will write to ~/.gitconfig_local.)

Installing on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Windows Terminal

Optionally install the Fira Code font.

Install Windows Terminal. (Note: If you installed it before setting up Ubuntu, run "configure WSL shortcuts" to add the shortcuts.)

Click Start, search for features and select "Turn Windows features on or off". Tick "Windows Subsystem for Linux" and click OK. Reboot.

Install Ubuntu. Run it, wait while it completes setup, set a username and password when prompted, then quit.

If you are using WSL 1, install VcXsrv, then run XLaunch from the Start Menu. Accept the default settings except untick "Primary Selection". Save the configuration into the shell:startup folder so it's started automatically.

If you are using WSL 2, WSLg is installed automatically. If you prefer, you can install VcXsrv instead (see above) and disable WSLg by putting this in c:\Users\<Username>\.wslconfig:


Launch Windows Terminal from the start menu, click the tab dropdown menu, then Ubuntu.


. cfg

Tip: To reinstall Ubuntu without re-downloading it, open a Command Prompt tab (or PowerShell) and run wslconfig /u Ubuntu, then re-launch Ubuntu from the Start Menu. It will take a few minutes to reinstall.

Installing on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with WSLtty

Install the Fira Code font.

Click Start, search for features and select "Turn Windows features on or off". Tick "Windows Subsystem for Linux" and click OK. Reboot.

Install Ubuntu. Run it, wait while it completes setup, set a username and password when prompted, then quit.

Install WSLtty (x86_64). (Note: If you installed it before setting up Ubuntu, run "configure WSL shortcuts" to add the shortcuts.)

Install VcXsrv, then run XLaunch from the Start Menu. Accept the default settings except untick "Primary Selection". Save the configuration into the shell:startup folder so it's started automatically.

Run "Ubuntu Terminal" from the start menu. Run:

wget # Or: wget
. cfg

Close and re-open Ubuntu Terminal to reload the WSLtty configuration.

Optionally, install updates and some additional packages:

agi dos2unix php-cli tree unzip whois zip

Installing on Cygwin (Windows)

This is not actively tested - WSL is recommended.

Install the Fira Code font.

Install Cygwin - select any local mirror (e.g. for UK), and when prompted add these packages:

  • git
  • wget

Tip: Select View > Full mode, then use the search box to find them.

Once it's installed, run Cygwin Terminal and run this:

cd /
mv $HOME $HOME.bak && ln -s "$(cygpath "$USERPROFILE")" $HOME

Then install dotfiles as above:

wget # Or: wget
. cfg

Close and re-open Cygwin Terminal to reload the configuration. (Note: When testing I had to reload it twice before it picked up the changed font.)

Then run this to install some additional useful packages:

wget -O /bin/apt-cyg
chmod +x /bin/apt-cyg
apt-cyg install bash-completion bind-utils chere curl dos2unix git-completion inetutils less links make ncurses procps-ng tmux tree unzip vim whois xinit

(They can also be installed from the GUI - but it's much more tedious to find them all!)

And run this to add Cygwin to Explorer's right-click menu:

chere -icmf -t mintty -s bash -e 'Open in Cygwin Terminal'

Installing on macOS

This is not actively tested - YMMV!

Upgrade Bash:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install bash coreutils
exec bash -l
echo '/usr/local/bin/bash' | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash

Then install Dotfiles as normal:

wget # Or: wget
. cfg


When you log in, a maximum of once per day, dotfiles will automatically check for and install any updates from the configured upstream repo.

To upgrade manually, run cfg pull (or, equivalently, cd; git pull).

Note: If you have forked the repo, it won't check the alberon repo automatically - see above.

Bash aliases and commands

There are lots of aliases and commands. Here are the most useful ones:

Alias Expansion Comments
a webpack, gulp or npm run Asset builder
acsq apt search } Originally apt-cache ...
acsh apt show }
agac sudo apt autoclean } Originally apt-get ...
agar sudo apt autoremove }
agi sudo apt install }
agr sudo apt remove }
agu sudo apt update && sudo apt-get upgrade }
art php artisan For Laravel (searches parent directories too)
b cd - Go Back
c cd && ls Change directory then list files
cfg cd $HOME && git ... Run a git command on the Dotfiles
cg cd <git root> Go to Git repository root
com composer
cv cd vendor/alberon/ You can also pass in a package name
cw cd <web root> Go to web root
cwc cd wp-content/ Go to WordPress content directory
cwp cd wp-content/plugins/ Go to WordPress plugins directory
cwt cd wp-content/themes/<theme>/ Go to WordPress theme directory
cy cypress
d docker
db docker build
dc docker-compose
dclean docker container prune; docker image prune Clean up stopped containers and untagged images
dev a h and phpstorm in Tmux split panes Tmux must already be running
dkill docker kill $(docker ps -ql) Kill most recent container
dkillall docker kill $(docker ps -q) Kill all running containers
dr docker run
dresume docker start -ai "$(docker ps ...)" Resume most recently stopped container
dri docker run -it Run interactively, e.g. dri ubuntu
dsh docker run ... /bin/bash Run /bun/bash in the container (with agent forwarding)
dstop docker stop $(docker ps -ql) Stop most recent container
dstopall docker stop $(docker ps -q) Stop all running containers
dus du -sh Also sorts files/directories by size
e vim Editor
g git See below for a list of Git aliases
h ssh $1 tmux ... Connect to remote server and run Tmux on it
ide scripts/ Laravel IDE Helper
l ls -l
la ls -lA List with hidden files
lsa ls -A
m exec tmux ... Launch Tmux or switch sessions
mark Creates an alias for the current directory (cd $PWD)
marks List current directory aliases
md mkdir && cd
mfs php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
mp multipass Multipass
mux tmuxinator Tmuxinator
myip curl Show your current public IP address info
pow sudo poweroff
pping Pretty Ping (visual ping)
pu phpunit
pwgen Password generator
redis redis-cli
reload exec bash -l Run this after modifying any Bash config file
s sudo
sc systemctl
se sudo vim
sf ./symfony For Symfony (searches parent directories too)
sl sudo ls
sls serverless Serverless Framework
storm phpstorm
t See below for details about the t script runner
tarc tar jcvf ... or 7z a ... Zip up the given directory
tf terraform
u cd .. Go Up
uu cd ../.. Repeat u up to 6 times to go up 6 levels
unmark Delete a directory alias (see mark)
v vagrant
xdebug on export XDEBUG_SESSION=1 Enable Xdebug step debugging for CLI scripts
xdebug off unset XDEBUG_SESSION Disable Xdebug step debugging
xe vim && chmod +x Create new executable file and edit it
xp explorer.exe Run Windows Explorer from WSL / Cygwin

Note: Some expansions are simplified in the list above - e.g. l is actually aliased to ls -hFl --color=always --hide=*.pyc --hide=*.sublime-workspace on Linux or LSCOLORS=ExGxFxDaCaDaDahbaDacec ls -hFlG on Mac.

There are also two custom key combinations:

  • Ctrl-Alt-Left: prevd - Go back a directory (like b or cd -, but it can be repeated several times like in a web browser)
  • Ctrl-Alt-Right: nextd - Go forward a directory

Git aliases and custom subcommands

Combined with the g alias above, these make easy to type Git commands, e.g. g s instead of git status:

Alias Expansion Comments
g a git add -A Adds and removes files
g b git branch
g ba git branch -a
g bclean git branch -d ... Delete branches that have been merged into master
g c git commit -m e.g. g c "Commit message"
g ca git commit --amend --no-edit Modify the previous commit, keep the same message
g ce git commit --amend Modify the previous commit, edit the message
g cls git grep -i "class\s\+$1\b" Search for class definition
g co git checkout
g cp git cherry-pick
g d git diff
g dc git diff --cached Shows diff for staged files
g f git fetch
g files git ls-files | grep Find file by name
g fun git grep -i "function\s\+$1\b" Search for function definition
g g git grep
g g3 git grep --context=3 Also g6 and g9
g ga `git rev-list grep ...`
g gc-all git gc ... Run garbage collection on everything possible
g gf `git ls-files grep ...`
g gi git grep --ignore-case
g gi3 git grep --ignore-case --context=3 Also gi6 and gi9
g in git log origin/master.. Lists commits incoming from the default remote
g io git log --left-right origin/master..HEAD Lists commits incoming & outgoing to the default remote
g l git log --name-status Includes list of modified files
g l1 git log --name-status --pretty=... Single-line format
g lg git log --graph
g lg1 git log --graph --pretty=... Single-line format
g ll git log Without list of modified files
g lp git log --patch Displays diff with each log entry
g lpw git log --patch --ignore-all-space Displays diff excluding whitespace changes
g m git merge
g mi git checkout $1 && git merge <old> && ... Merge the current branch into the target branch
g mt git mergetool
g out git log ..origin/master Lists commits outgoing to the default remote
g p git push
g pt git push --tags
g pu git push -u origin HEAD Push and set upstream
g s git status
g sub git submodule
g sync git submodule sync; submodule update --init
g todo git grep 'TODO|XXX|FIXME'

Automatic sudo

These commands will automatically be prefixed with sudo:

  • a2disconf
  • a2dismod
  • a2dissite
  • a2enconf
  • a2enmod
  • a2ensite
  • addgroup
  • adduser
  • apt
  • apt-add-repository
  • dpkg-reconfigure
  • groupadd
  • groupdel
  • groupmod
  • php5dismod
  • php5enmod
  • phpdismod
  • phpenmod
  • poweroff
  • reboot
  • service
  • shutdown
  • snap
  • systemctl (unless --user flag is given)
  • ufw
  • updatedb
  • useradd
  • userdel
  • usermod
  • yum

If you want to force them to run under the current user, prefix them with command (bypasses the alias).

Script runner (t command)

The t command makes it easy to run scripts specific to a project (or anywhere really). First, create a scripts/ directory in the project root. For example:

├── ...
└── scripts/
    ├── deploy/
    │   ├──
    │   └──

To run these three scripts, you would normally type:


But using the t command this is simplified to:

t deploy live
t deploy staging
t php

Note that the file extension is not required (it can be any extension - e.g. .sh/.php - or no extension), and files in subdirectories become subcommands. It will automatically search up the directory tree, if you are in a subdirectory of the project - in that case it's equivalent to ../../scripts/ (for example).

You can also:

  • Type t <name> [args...] to run a script with arguments
  • Type t alone to list all the scripts available
  • Type t <dir> to list all the scripts in a subdirectory (e.g. t deploy)
  • Use tab-completion (e.g. t d<tab> s<tab> is 7 keys instead of 18)

How to fork Dotfiles

This is only necessary if you want to customise your Dotfiles.

  • Fork the repo on GitHub
  • Install as normal (see above), OR (if you have already installed the Alberon Dotfiles), switch to your fork:
    git remote set-url origin
    git remote set-url --push origin
    git remote add alberon
    git fetch
  • Set your name and email in ~/.gitconfig_personal
  • Optional:
    • Configure your personal accounts/servers in ~/.ssh/config_personal
    • Add any custom Bash configuration to ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile
  • Commit and push those changes

How to update your fork

To update your fork with the latest changes:

g pl alberon master

If there are any conficts, fix them, add the files (g a <filename>) and commit (g ci).

Then push your updated version to GitHub:

g p

Uninstalling Dotfiles

The recommended way to uninstall Dotfiles is to delete and recreate your account - that ensures everything is cleaned up.

However, if that is not convenient, this will clean up most things:

source ~/.dotfiles/uninstall


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