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PostCSS plugin to add a collection of mixins, helpers related to font management for you CSS.


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[WIP] Salt - Typography

PostCSS plugin to add a collection of utilities related to font management for you CSS. This plugin is part of Salt, a collection of tool to help you enforce a set of rule througout your application.


  1. Typography definition Provide a way to declare the definition and relation of all the typographies used in an application. ​
  2. Importer Import all the font available in the font definition. It handle properly diverse font provider local, hosted, Google. ​
  3. Parser Walk through you css declarations to find the dynamic font values and enforce a predefined one; ​
  4. Default Declare default typographics values for the body, html based on the typography definition.

Getting started

Installation is as easy as:

npm install --save postcss-salt-typography


Include the plugin in you build process:



Include the plugin in your build process:


This plugins depends on :



The font definition setting is used by @font-face, font-family, font-size, font-style, line-height properties. Here is the formal syntax:

  [ name:         	<string>; ] ||
  [ family:       	<string>; ] ||
  [ fallback:	  	<string>; ] ||
  [ format:		  	[ eot || woff || svg || ttf ]# ||
  [ typefaces:		[ [ <weight> <style>? <provider> ]# ; ] ||
  [ sizes:        	[ [ <scale> [ <length> | <length> <length> ] ]#; ]# ||
  [ line-height:  	[ [ <scale> [ <length> | <length> <length> ] ]#; ]# 

	<style> = [ normal | italic | oblique ]
	<provider> = [ local(<string>) | <url> | google ]+ default? ]
Property Type Description
name required String The name of the font set. This is the key to use in your css file to reference a font collection.
family required String The font-family name.
fallback optional String The fallback for the given font
format optional List The font format to consider while importing. Used by the hosted font files. If no value provided, all the format will be imported.
typefaces required List A map containing all the weight and associated information on how to load the font. More information in the typefaces definition section.
sizes required List A map containing the size definition for each scale. More information in the size definition section
line-height required List A map containing the line-height definition for each scale. More information in the line-height definition section.

Typefaces definition

The typefaces section contains the exhaustive definition of the fonts available in your project. It is a Array where each entry describe a particular variant of the same typeface. Here is the allowed keyword to define an entry:

weight The weight of the declared font. Please find the allowed values bellow.
style The style of the declared font. Please find the allowed values bellow.
default Set the given font as the default font. The font will be declared on the body as the font-family.
local Allow you to declare a local font file. The function allow one parameter, the font-name, the name of the font on the local system.
url Declare a file to load via http/https.
google Will load the font from Google Fonts


Here is the list of allowed weight. Use the values listed bellow as a key in the typefaces definition.

Value Description
thin Set the font-weight value to be 100
ultra-light Set the font-weight value to be 200
light Set the font-weight value to be 300
normal Set the font-weight value to be 400
medium Set the font-weight value to be 500
semi-bold Set the font-weight value to be 600
bold Set the font-weight value to be 700
extra-bold Set the font-weight value to be 800
black Set the font-weight value to be 900


Here is the list of the allowed font-style.

Value Description
normal Label the font as normal.
italic Label the font as italic
oblique Label the font as oblique

Sizes definition

scale The scale for which the size is declared
length The font-size value for the given scale. If two css length value are provided then the first one is used as the minimum breakpoint's boundery (<=xxs) while the second one is used as the maximum breakpoint's boundery (>xxl). Everything in between is proportional.

Line-Height definition

scale The scale for which the line-height is declared
length The line-height value for the given scale. If two css length value are provided then the first one is used as the minimum breakpoint's boundery (<=xxs) while the second one is used as the maximum breakpoint's boundery (>xxl). Everything in between is proportional.


This sample:

  *font-family: heading;
  *font-size: xs;

With this configuration:

var helvetica = {
  name: "heading",
  family:  "Helvetica Neue",
  typefaces: [
    "normal default",
    xxs:    [".512rem",  ".579rem"],
    xs:     [".64rem",   ".694rem"],
    s:      [".8rem",    ".833rem"],
    m:      ["1rem",     "1rem"],
    l:      ["1.25rem",  "1.2rem"],
    xl:     ["1.563rem", "1.44rem"],
    xxl:    ["1.953rem", "1.728rem"]
  lineHeight: {
    xxs:    ["1.2rem",   "1.2rem"],
    xs:     ["1.2rem",   "1.2rem"],
    s:      ["1.2rem",   "1.2rem"],
    m:      ["1.3rem",   "1.2rem"],
    l:      ["1.35rem",  "1.3rem"],
    xl:     ["1.4rem",   "1.4rem"],
    xxl:    ["1.45rem",  "1.4rem"]

will yield:

  font-family: Helvetica Neue;
  font-size: .64rem;


PostCSS plugin to add a collection of mixins, helpers related to font management for you CSS.








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