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This Salt formula will setup a stack of one or more servers to run a Django project with some high availability and scalability features. The stack includes:

  • Gunicorn and Nginx webheads running * Django 1.10.x with Python 3.x and venv.
  • Gunicorn process managed via Upstart.
  • Varnish (3.x and 4.x) to cache static files and dynamic pages for non-logged in users.
  • HAProxy (1.5x and 1.6x) load balancing inspired by Baptiste Assmann.
  • HAProxy high availability support via Keepalived and floating IPs on Digital Ocean.
  • Redis.
  • PostgreSQL.
  • ElasticSearch. A basic one node installation.
  • GlusterFS cluster for managing and sharing a volume for Django's static and media directory. Replica support is automatic if the number of hosts used as GlusterFS nodes is a multiple of two.
  • vim-gnome on the host used as a Salt master. Just because I love vim.

The states are designed to be run together but you could take what you need and reuse in your own formulas.

So far, I have tested with Ubuntu 14.04, 14.10 and 16.04 on Linode and Digital Ocean hosts.

Start Here

SSH to your server as root and make sure to create a user with sudo permissions and the same uid on all servers involved, this is specially important if you will used GlusterFS, one way to do it is with Ubuntu's adduser --uid, for example:

$ adduser --uid 1003 exampleuser

$ usermod -a -G sudo exampleuser

Always disable ssh password authentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config setting PasswordAuthentication no.

Now logout and ssh with this new user to continue.

Add public key to the repositories you will need, this includes both the main Django project and any applications you may need. This is how to easily create your private and public keys locally without a prompt or passphrase:

echo -e 'y\n' | ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N ''

Your public key, which you should add to Github, should be in:

cat ~/.ssh/

A quick way to add a publick key to a host with Ubuntu is:

ssh-copy-id user@host

Optionally, if you want avoid the prompt when cloning this repository from Github (which happens when running the quick install script), you can add the fingerprint like this:

ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

You can use sed to quickly make changes pillar files, for example, in zinibu_basic.sls:

sed -i -e s/django5/django8/g -e s/95/98/g -e s/15/18/g /srv/pillar/staging/zinibu_basic.sls

Make sure you refresh pillar data after you've made changes.

sudo salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar

Quick Install

Step 1: Add your public key to Github and then run this from, ideally, your home directory (although the script should be smart enough to work from any directory):

\curl -sSL | sudo bash -s full|master|minion "Joe Doe"

You need three arguments:

The first one defines the type of installation: "full" to install both salt-master and salt-minion, "master" to install only salt-master, or "minion" to install only salt-minion. The second and third arguments are used to setup git --global and

An installation of type full or master will also copy basic top.sls to /srv/salt/top.sls and /srv/pillar/* and files and point to them from /etc/salt/master.

Step 2: Pay attention to the next steps displayed after the script finishes running and customize your settings before proceeding to run salt states. Run the script with the steps argument to remind you.

scripts/ steps

You shouldn't worry about overwriting your settings if running the script more than once; files won't be touched if they already exist.

Step 3: Go to the directory where this project was cloned (e.g.: /home/user/salt-django-stack) and run all the states with:

sudo scripts/install

This is a Python script using argparse so you can pass the -h argument to get extra help.

Alternative Prerequisites Install

You can clone this project to any directory and then cd to it and run it with:

sudo scripts/ master|minion|full "Joe Doe"

The end result will be the same as using curl call from the quick install.


See the conf directory for sample top.sls and pillar configuration.

Add formulas to /etc/salt/master like this:

  • /srv/salt
  • /home/user/salt-django-stack

The first directory, /srv/salt, is the default used by Salt on Ubuntu.

Set "hash_type" to sha256 in Salt Master config.

Include zinibu in your top.sls (which may be in /srv/salt/top.sls) to setup a standard webhead (this is zinibu/init.sls including state files to setup the web stack). To setup other servers include individual state files, like this:

  • zinibu
  • zinibu.varnish
  • zinibu.varnish.conf
  • zinibu.keepalived
  • zinibu.keepalived.conf
  • zinibu.haproxy
  • zinibu.haproxy.conf
  • zinibu.elasticsearch
  • zinibu.redis
  • zinibu.postgresql

GlusterFS client is required by collectstatic in zinibu.django if glusterfs_nodes are defined in zinibu_basic.

GlusterFS is optional if you will use just one webhead, which is the case for most development situations. Don't include glusterfs_nodes in zinibu_basic and zinibu.django won't run operations related to GlusterFS.

This is another example, more complete, /etc/salt/top.sls, with the correct execution order:

  • zinibu.postgresql
  • zinibu.varnish
  • zinibu.varnish.conf
  • zinibu.haproxy
  • zinibu.haproxy.conf
  • zinibu.varnish
  • zinibu.varnish.conf
  • zinibu.haproxy
  • zinibu.haproxy.conf
  • zinibu

If some states are running in the same server they all should be under the same minion id in top.sls.


To make testing easier, run commands locally with salt-call, this way you don't need a target and can use just one server. This means a command like:

sudo salt '*'


sudo salt-call

Pillar parameters can be passed from the command line. This is done, for example, to override the Django settings module:

sudo salt '*' state.sls zinibu.django pillar='{"zinibu_django_env": "staging"}'

Minions Setup

Set minions' ids and the roles as appropiate:

id: my_minion_id

  • first_glusterfs_node
  • glusterfs_node
  • haproxy
  • varnish
  • webhead

The available roles are:

  • webhead (required for each webhead, includes nginx and gunicorn)
  • varnish (required for at least one)
  • haproxy (required for server load balancing)
  • glusterfs_node (optional, if not used then glusterfs won't be setup)
  • first_glusterfs_node (required if using gluster, this will setup the volume and should be set just for one minion)
  • redis (optional)
  • postgresql (optional)
  • haproxy_master (required in addition to haproxy role if using Keepalived for HAProxy's high availability)
  • haproxy_backup (required in addition to haproxy role if using Keepalived for HAProxy's high availability)

A host may play more than one of these roles.

Restart salt-minion to activate changes:

sudo service salt-minion restart

Adding more nodes to GlusterFS

If more servers are added to work as glusterfs nodes (role: glusterfs_node in /etc/salt/minion) then you should expand the volume manually and rebalance it. It's important to note that you need to add new peers from a node already in the pool and use force when adding the bricks because of the new bricks being created in the root partition.

To start, you first need a minion install of salt-django-stack as described in the Quick Start section of this document, add the minions, configure pillar items accordingly to include the new minions and then run zinibu.boostrap to update settings for the existing volumes and setup the basics of GlusterFS:

sudo salt-run state.orchestrate zinibu.bootstrap

From here on, you need to go manual. Here's an example set of commands that assume you're adding and to expand a volume called static-zinibu.

sudo gluster peer probe

sudo gluster peer status

sudo gluster volume info

sudo gluster volume add-brick static-zinibu force

sudo gluster volume rebalance static-zinibu start

sudo gluster volume rebalance static-zinibu status

We need to explore a little more about the rebalancing when using more than one volume, maybe stop the volume during the process to avoid storing files in the incorrect volumes.

To shrink the volume you can use something like this:

sudo gluster volume remove-brick media-zinibu force sudo gluster volume info media-zinibu

Remember, when shrinking distributed replicated and distributed striped volumes, you need to remove a number of bricks that is a multiple of the replica or stripe count.


Adding more webheads

Run the minion install for the new hosts as described in Quick Install, setup /srv/salt/top.sls to target the new minions and update pillar data (probably just /srv/pillar/staging/zinibu_basic.sls (being staging the environment you are modifying) and rerun:

sudo scripts/install

Running on Amazon Web Services EC2

If using AWS EC2, you will need to add a second private IP associated to an elastic IP and use the private IP as anchor_ip for your HAProxy server. Use the first private IP for all internal communications between webheads and other servers.

HAProxy and high availability

frontend ft_web and www-https (if using SSL) use public IP or, if using Keepalived with Digital Ocean's floating IPs, an anchor IP. frontend ft_web_static uses a private IP and it's used by Varnish servers to update their cache.

To enable SSL termination obtain an SSL certificate or create a self-signed one (see instructions below), we're using .pem for this example, and put it in a directory for each of your HAProxy servers, like /srv/haproxy/ssl, then add the following pillar data to zinibu_basic.sls:

haproxy_ssl_cert: /srv/haproxy/ssl/example_com.pem

To create a self-signed SSL certificate

When asked for a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) you can enter or *

$ mkdir -p /srv/haproxy/ssl $ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /srv/haproxy/ssl/example_com.key -out /srv/haproxy/ssl/example_com.crt $ cd /srv/haproxy/ssl/ $ cat example_com.crt example_com.key > example_com.pem

Create .pem to use with HAProxy from Comodo PositiveSSL

For this example we're creating a new file at /srv/haproxy/ssl/example_com.pem using the key file generated when requesting the certificate and the bundle and crt files provided by Comodo.

$ cd /srv/haproxy/ssl $ rm example_com.pem $ cat example_com.key >> example_com.pem $ cat example_com.crt >> example_com.pem $ cat >> example_com.pem

Keepalived and high availability

Currently, high availability for HAProxy with Keepalived only works with floating IPs as provided by Digital Ocean, so you need to setup pillar data for zinibu_basic.do_token and anchor_ip for each haproxy_server to be used instead of zinibu_basic.project.haproxy_frontend_public_ip.

Get anchor with:

curl && echo

You should setup the roles grain in one and only one minion as haproxy_master and another as haproxy_backup.

Also, the keepalived states should run before varnish and haproxy states to make sure ip addresses are bound. The states are zinibu.keepalived and zinibu.keepalived.conf, in that order.

Note that the priority value in keepalived.conf for the master and backup hosts has to be changed to 101 and 100 because the weight is 2 or the track script won't run.

In progress: See linode/conf/etc/network/interfaces for an example of how to configure an extra public IP and private IP for a Linode to use with IP swapping.

Pillar Setup

Create the pillar directory and point /etc/salt/master to it:

  • /srv/pillar
  • /srv/pillar/staging
  • /srv/pillar/production

Copy the files from zinibu/pillar_data to /srv/pillar and now you can use the pillar data for your configuration. As you make changes to the pillar files in /srv/pillar, copy the changes to pillar_data the repository. Avoid keeping credentials and any other private data in the repository.

The goal is to keep separate pillar SLS files for each state.

Note that some pillar files are common to staging and production, with the pillar_roots configuration above they'll live in /srv/pillar, and others are specific to staging or production, living in the corresponding subdirectories (/srv/pillar/staging or /srv/pillar/production). These environment-specific pillar files are: zinibu_basic.sls, zinibu_django.sls and zinibu_postgresql.sls.

Check example in conf/srv/pillar/top.sls to see how environments and minion targeting are used for pillar data.

Make it All Run

To run all states in the correct order, run from the salt master, this is what scripts/

sudo salt-run state.orchestrate zinibu.bootstrap

sudo salt '*' state.highstate

salt -G 'roles:varnish' service.restart varnish

state.orchestrate is important to make sure the GlusterFS volumes are setup in the correct order.


No Top file or external nodes data matches found

You may have a repeated minion id in top.sls. Make sure a target name is used just once.

HAProxy shows the cache servers not running

It seems Varnish needs to be restarted manually at the end of the first state.highstate. You can target the appropiate hosts to do it with just one command:

sudo salt 'hostname' service.restart varnish

TypeError encountered executing state.highstate: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'ConstructorError' objects. See debug log for more info.

You have a duplicate selector in your top.sls. See saltstack/salt#16753.


Run some state on some host for testing, for example:

sudo salt 'hostname' state.sls zinibu.python

Available states

zinibu ---------

Installs the needed packages and services for a Django webhead.

zinibu.varnish ----------------

Setups Varnish to load balance and cache the webheads.

zinibu.python ----------------

Installs the required Python software and creates a virtual environment.

salt 'minion_id' state.sls zinibu.python

The default name for the virtual environment is provided by pillar as pyvenv_name but can be overriden like this:

salt 'minion_id' state.sls zinibu.python pillar='{"zinibu_basic": {"project": {"name": "zinibu_stage"}}}'

A virtual environment can be manually activated like this on each minion: source /home/vagrant/pyvenvs/zinibu_dev/bin/activate


Remove a virtual environment. Note how pillar data can be passed at the command line to override pyvenv_name.

Note the pyvenvs_dir key refers to the part of the path after /home/user, for example, in /home/user/some_dir, pyvenvs would be "some_dir".

salt 'minion_id' state.sls zinibu.python.rmenv pillar='{"zinibu_basic": {"app_user": "vagrant", "app_group": "vagrant", "project": {"name": "zinibu_dev", "pyvenvs_dir": "pyvenvs"}} }'

To pass a list, use something like:

salt '*' state.highstate pillar='["cheese", "milk", "bread"]'

zinibu.python.python_test -----------------------

sudo salt-call state.sls zinibu.python.python_test

zinibu.django ----------------

zinibu.python installed the Python packages and zinibu.django will install a Django project and related applications.

To install Python packages in the webheads, including the latest version of Django, which needs to be set in /srv/pillar/zinibu_python.sls, run:

sudo salt '*' state.sls zinibu.python

Logged in as the user who owns the project (app_user in zinibu_basic pillar) you can activate the Python environment like this:

$ source ~/pyvenvs/zinibu_dev/bin/activate

then change to the directory of the project, e.g. /home/user/zinibu_dev, and manage it with

$ help --pythonpath=`pwd` --settings=zinibu_dev.settings

Instead of, you can also use, a thin wrapper, from the directory of the project and may require to call it with python:

$ python help

or without:

$ ./ help

And easier way of setting the Python environment is using the bash script created by Salt, which we call the runner. For a project of name zinibu this would be:

source ~/ setenv

This will point DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to the correct settings module so that you can just change directory to the project and run:

django-admin help --pythonpath=$(pwd)


The project and the application it uses should be deployed with the help of orchestration running:

sudo scripts/deploy

This is a Python script using argparse so you can pass the -h argument to get extra help. You can choose to deploy just the project, all the applications or a list of applications.

Additional Resources

Future Plans

  • HAProxy high availability with Keepalived for Linode.
  • Control Gunicorn with systemd, the new services manager by Ubuntu 15.04.
  • Varnish 4 support. It's the default starting with Ubuntu 14.10.
  • High availability Redis.
  • High availability PostgreSQL. pgpool-II?

Some test commands

sudo salt-run state.orchestrate zinibu.deploy pillar='{"deploy_target": "project"}'

sudo salt -G 'roles:webhead' state.sls zinibu.django pillar='{"deploy": True, "deploy_target": "project"}' --log-level=debug | tee ~/log

sudo salt 'znbweb1' state.sls zinibu.django pillar='{"deploy": True, "deploy_target": "project"}' --log-level=debug | tee ~/log

sudo salt-key -L

sudo salt-key -a django*

sudo salt '*'

sudo salt '*' pillar.items

sudo salt 'staging1' pillar.item django

sudo salt '*' grains.item lsb_distrib_release

sudo salt '*' state.highstate

sudo salt django5 pillar.items

sudo salt '*' pillar.items

sudo salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar

sudo salt django5 state.sls zinibu.python

history | grep "sudo salt"

sudo salt-call

sudo salt-call state.sls zinibu.python