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TestCaseKit is a Swift Macro that lets you create test cases with arguments, without needing to create separate tests for each set of arguments.


@testCase(3, 1, 4)
@testCase(5, 3, 8)
@testCase(6, 12, 18)
func testSumNumbers(_ lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int, _ result: Int) {
  XCTAssertEqual(lhs + rhs, result)

@testCase("1", "1", "11")
@testCase("5", "3", "53")
@testCase("6", "12", "612")
func testConcatStrings(_ lhs: String, _ rhs: String, _ result: String) {
  XCTAssertEqual(lhs + rhs, result)

@testCase(nil as String?)
func testOptional(_ x: String?) {


To use TestCaseKit, simply import the library into your test project and add the @testCase attribute to your test function. The @testCase attribute takes a variable number of arguments, which will be passed to the test case as arguments.

Fully integrated in Xcode

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Step 1

To install TestCaseKit in Xcode go to your project settings, click Package Dependencies > + > Enter in the search bar, add the package to your test target.

OR simply add the following dependency to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),

Step 2

After the above steps you might get a warning in Issue Navigator. You need to click Trust the Library to procceed. After this step, you are good to go!

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  • Currently the external parameter name in test functions should be ommitted for the attribute to work (see Example above).
  • Do not pass nil without specifying the desired argument type.
@testCase(nil) // won't work
@testCase(nil as String?) // will work