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Generate a bundle that runs as a Cloudflare worker, then write it to disk and/or upload it directly to Cloudflare.

The bundle is minified by default.

import workerPlugin from 'vite-plugin-cloudflare-worker'

export default {
  plugins: [
    // Make sure this is last.
      main: 'workers/foo.ts',

See the 2.0 branch for Vite 2 compatible docs.


  • main: string
    The entry module in JavaScript or TypeScript.

  • dest?: string
    The bundle filename, relative to outDir in Vite config.
    Defaults to workers/[name].js unless upload is defined (in which case, nothing is saved to disk when dest is undefined).

  • plugins?: RollupPlugin[]
    Custom plugins to apply after the default plugins (but before minifying).

  • inlineGlobs?: string | string[]
    Matching files are bundled with the script. Use the serve function (exported by this plugin) in your script to easily serve the bundled content with the proper response headers (ETag, Content-Type, Content-Length).

  • minify?: object | boolean
    Customize how the script is minified, or pass false to disable minification.

  • minifyHtml?: object | boolean
    Customize how inlined .html modules are minified, or pass false to disable.

  • upload?: UploadConfig
    When defined, the worker is uploaded after a successful build.
    The UploadConfig type contains these values:

    • scriptId: string (any name you like)
    • accountId: string (found on the homepage of your Cloudflare account)
    • authToken?: string (defaults to process.env.CLOUDFLARE_AUTH_TOKEN)