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PHP and MySQL Dev Container for ICI IT Students using GitHUB Codespaces

Open in Dev Containers

This PHP MySQL Containers for ICI IT Students is a running container with a well-defined tool/runtime stack and its prerequisites, especially PHP and MySQL. PHP library is installed with the latest version while MySQL is currently on testing.

YouTube tutorial:

Note: If you already have a Codespace created already, you can jump to the Things to try section.

Setting up the development container for your project

GitHub Codespaces and GitHub Student Developer Pack

  1. To use GitHUB Codespaces, make sure you already registered your ICI-email address to GitHub.
  2. Visit to activate, follow the instructions from GitHub.
  3. Allow location tracking from browser prompt as this is needed for GitHub Admins to activate your account.
  4. Verification process is automatic but GitHub Education team needs evidence that you are an officially enrolled student of Iligan Computer Institute.
  5. (optional) To send your Student ID as part of the verification, follow this instructions, take pictures on both front and back then edit them to be as one picture and attach it to the submission form.
  6. (optional) To send your COR / Certificate of Registration as evidence for verification, take a photo of your COR then upload it to the submission form.
  7. Depends on the selected document for verification, expect an email coming from GitHub Education Team with the message, "Welcome to Github Global Campus", that indicates that your Student Developer Pack has been activated an able to use GitHub Codespaces at no charge.

GitHub Codespaces

Follow these steps to open this sample in a Codespace:

  1. Click Use this template drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the Create a repository tab.
  3. The owner profile should be ici-github so that I can easily access your repositories.
  4. The repository name can be any name, just make sure that the name relates to your project or performance task.
  5. Input the repository description thats best relate to your project or performance tasks.
  6. You can set permissions to your repository, if you want to keep it on your own then select Private.
  7. Once you filled in all information required. Click Create repository from template
  8. Once done, you can proceed opening your repository without affecting the template repository by clicking Code then select Codespaces and lastly Create codespace on main to get started.

Things to try

Once you have the working codespace, you'll be able to work with it like you would locally. Upload your PHP and other document files inside the htdocs directory

Some things to try:

  1. DON'TS:

    • DO NOT DELETE index.php file, this will list your files and directories when PHP is started.
    • It is recommended to create Folders based on Performance Task number (G11) and abbreviated system name for Grade 12.
  2. Running a server:

    • From the terminal, run php -S
    • Click "Open in Browser" in the notification that appears to access the web app on this new port.
  3. Running a server with database especially grade 12:

    • To access the database, go to Ports tab (if you cannot see the Ports panel, click the three-horizontal-bar icon, click View then select Terminal
    • Once the Panel is shown, click on Ports tab, and make sure that port 3306 is GREEN status, that indicates that the database is running.
    • On the same panel, if you see PHP is Running (8000) that indicates the link is working, next is to click the Globe icon, then add db on the link, the link should be like this:, you should be able to see Adminer (an alternative option for phpmyadmin)
    • For you to login to the database use the following login credentials:
    • Username: mariadb
    • Password: mariadb
    • Database Name: mariadb
    • Database Server:


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