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this is the standard snake and apple game using curses library

Curses library provides a terminal-independent SCREEN PAINTING and KEYBOARD handling

for text based terminals.

import curses import random import time

initscr() returns a window object representing the entire screen; called as STDSCR

window = curses.initscr()

Echoing of input characters is turned off.


Set the cursor state. visibility can be set to 0, 1, or 2, for invisible, normal, or very visible.


Return a tuple (y, x) of the height and width of the window.

win_height, win_width = window.getmaxyx()

#>> curses.newwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)

Return a new window, whose left-upper corner is at (begin_y, begin_x), and whose height/width is nlines/ncols.

new_win = curses.newwin(win_height, win_width, 0, 0)



If flag is True, escape sequences generated by some keys (keypad, function keys) will be interpreted by curses.

If flag is False, escape sequences will be left as is in the input stream.



The getch() will block for delay milliseconds, and return -1 if there is still no input at the end of that time.


for i in range(win_width-1): new_win.addch(0, i, curses.ACS_BOARD) new_win.addch(win_height-1,i, curses.ACS_BOARD) for i in range(win_height-1): new_win.addch(i, 0, curses.ACS_BOARD) new_win.addch(i, win_width-1, curses.ACS_BOARD)

Now we will define the initial position for the snake

snake_x = win_width/4 snake_y = win_height/2

And then define the coordinates of body parts of the snake

snake = [ [snake_y,snake_x], [snake_y,snake_x-1], [snake_y,snake_x-2] ]

Now define the initial location for the food

food = [win_height//2, win_width//2]

window.addch(y, x, ch[, attr])

Paint character ch at (y, x) with attributes attr, overwriting any character previously painter at that location.

new_win.addch(food[0], food[1], curses.ACS_DIAMOND) # Defining the point with a diamond symbol

define the initial direction

key = curses.KEY_RIGHT

######################################333 while True: next_key = new_win.getch() # return -1 if there is still no input key = key if next_key == -1 else next_key

#### LOOSE the game if it touches the boundary
#  <y_coord touched up and down>   <x_coord touched left & right>  <if snake bites itself>
if snake[0][0] in [1,win_height-1] or snake[0][1] in [1,win_width-1] or snake[0] in snake[1:]:

if key == curses.KEY_DOWN:
    new_head = [snake[0][0] + 1, snake[0][1]]
if key == curses.KEY_UP:
    new_head = [snake[0][0] - 1, snake[0][1]]
if key == curses.KEY_LEFT:
    new_head = [snake[0][0], snake[0][1] - 1]
if key == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
    new_head = [snake[0][0], snake[0][1] + 1]

# move the head in the new direction
snake.insert(0, new_head)

# if new_head == food:
if snake[0] == food:
    food = None
    while food is None:
        new_food = [
            random.randint(1, win_height-2),
            random.randint(1, win_width-2)
        food = new_food if new_food not in snake else None
    new_win.addch(food[0], food[1], curses.ACS_DIAMOND)
    tail = snake.pop()
    new_win.addch(int(tail[0]), int(tail[1]), ' ')

new_win.addch(int(snake[0][0]), int(snake[0][1]), curses.ACS_LANTERN)  

''' ACS code | Meaning

ACS_BBSS alternate name for upper right corner

ACS_BLOCK solid square block

ACS_BOARD oard of squares

ACS_BSBS alternate name for horizontal line

ACS_BSSB alternate name for upper left corner

ACS_BSSS alternate name for top tee

ACS_BTEE bottom tee


ACS_CKBOARD checker board (stipple)

ACS_DARROW arrow pointing down

ACS_DEGREE degree symbol

ACS_DIAMOND diamond ACS_GEQUAL greater-than-or-equal-to

ACS_HLINE horizontal line

ACS_LANTERN lantern symbol

ACS_LARROW left arrow

ACS_LEQUAL less-than-or-equal-to

ACS_LLCORNER lower left-hand corner

ACS_LRCORNER lower right-hand corner

ACS_LTEE left tee

ACS_NEQUAL not-equal sign

ACS_PI letter pi

ACS_PLMINUS plus-or-minus sign

ACS_PLUS big plus sign

ACS_RARROW right arrow

ACS_RTEE right tee

ACS_S1 scan line 1

ACS_S3 scan line 3

ACS_S7 scan line 7

ACS_S9 scan line 9

ACS_SBBS alternate name for lower right corner ACS_SBSB alternate name for vertical line ACS_SBSS alternate name for right tee ACS_SSBB alternate name for lower left corner ACS_SSBS alternate name for bottom tee ACS_SSSB alternate name for left tee ACS_SSSS alternate name for crossover or big plus ACS_UARROW up arrow ACS_VLINE vertical line '''


this is the standard snake and apple game using curses library






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