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Board Game Reviews

What is "Board Game Reviews"?

It's a RESTful API that contains reviews for board games.

Currently, you can:

  • filter reviews by category,
  • sort them by any of their properties,
  • upvote and downvote reviews, and
  • post (and delete) comments.

To see all available endpoints and options, see available endpoints.

Process, tools and tech stack

I built this as part of my time at Northcoders, tracking progress with a Kanban board on Trello, and using:

  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL (and node-postgres)
  • Jest (and supertest) for testing

Starter files and all data were provided by Northcoders.

Live version

I hosted the API using ElephantSQL and render.

Take a look at the live version.

Available endpoints

For a quick description of all available endpoints, go to /api.

For a full, detailed explanation, see available endpoints.

Setting up a local clone

To get started setting up a local clone, make sure to fork and clone this repo first.


Once you've forked this repo and cloned it, you will need to install all necessary packages, running npm install.


To successfully connect to the databases locally, you will need to create two .env files:

  • .env.test
  • .env.development

Into each file, add:


and replace <database_name_here> with the correct database name — nc_games_test and nc_games, respectively.


To run all the tests for the app, use:

npm t app

Node version

I built this project using the latest LTS version of Node.js (18.15.0), which includes NPM version 9.5.0.