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People Management

People Management is a Vuejs / Expressjs web application which demonstrates a simple application which manages users with features such as listing users, viewing details of a particular user, ability to search users based on any attributes that they have in a single field or multiple fields, and ability to sort and order users.

People Management

Technologies Used

  • Vue js for Frontend
  • Express js for Backend
  • Mongoose as a data storage


  • Node js >= 12
  • Yarn(1.22.0) as package manager

Note: To upgrade yarn run curl --compressed -o- -L | bash and restart terminal

Setup Frontend

cd client
# install dependencies
yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn start

# build for production with minification
yarn build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
yarn build --report

# run unit tests
yarn unit

Setup Backend

cd server
# install dependencies
yarn install

# start server at localhost:8081
yarn start

Note: No need to setup Mongoose DB as this application uses MLab which is a Database as a Service. When you create users from the API, it will automatically stored in the mongo database used by this application.

Open localhost:8080 in the browser to access the application.


User Listing

  • The application home page lists users in a tabular form. Few attributes are displayed in the table (Name, Location, Email, Status) which are also filterable and few attributes (Profile Picture, Date of Birth and Contact Number) are hidden in the table. And a view button which when clicked displays the user detail.

  • There is a pagination which allows to navigate to different pages when there are mmany users. The per page count is set as 7.

  • We can sort and order on the basis of any of these four columns by clicking on a table header.

User Detail

  • 'View' button in listing page triggers a modal box which displays all the information about the user.

User Search

  • The application home page has a section for searching users. There are four filters available right now - Name, Location, Email and Status. We can search in any of these fields of as a whole combined, So when we search something without selecting the filter, it searches on all of the four fields to render the matched users.

  • We can either search by clicking 'Filter' button or pressing enter after typing in the search text.

Express APIs

Add a user

URL: http://localhost:8081/users
Method: POST
Parameter Body: {
  "name": "Joe Hunter",
  "email": "",
  "dob": "1/1/1995",
  "location": "205 College St",
  "contact": "(526)-534-5309",
  "status": "Discarded",
  "picture": ""

Search users

List all users

URL: http://localhost:8081/search
Method: GET

Search for a user whose name is joe

URL: http://localhost:8081/search?name=joe
Method: GET

Search for a users whose status is Discarded

URL: http://localhost:8081/search?status=discarded
Method: GET

All of these APIs are implemented with pagination, sorting and ordering

Things to be implemented next

  • e2e tests
  • Edit a user from backend
  • Data validation while creating and editing a user