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Mock Backend

A simple framework for intercepting fetch() and XMLHttpRequest requests, and generating responses from within the client.


  <script src=""></script>
        claim: (r) => r.url === '/foo', 
        handle: (r) => ({ status: 200, body: { hello: 'world' } }) 
        claim: (r) => r.url === '/bar', 
        handle: (r) => r.urlParts.query.get('secret') === 'letMeIn' ?
            ({ status: 200, body: { secret: 'treasure' } }) :
            ({ status: 403, body: 'You do not have access to /bar' }) 
    ], {
      defaultConfig: {
        // How requests that don't match a handler are treated (default: 'ERROR')
        unclaimedRequests: 'ERROR' /* or 'PASS_THROUGH' */

        // Time to wait (ms) before sending a response {default: 5000}
        delayBeforeResponding: 2500,

  <!-- ... your app html ... --> 


Try it out