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NgX Component for CSShake


This project is used to create CSShake Component in Angular >=2.

Running Locally

  1. git clone
  2. cd ngshake
  3. npm install
  4. npm start
  5. Open browser and go to: http://localhost:4200/
  6. Run npm build to build the project

Full customizable way

<Shake [horizontal]="15">Loading</Shake>

<p [shake]="shakeStyle">Shaking Directive</p>

Available configs:

Prop Desc Type Default Unit
horizontal max horizontal Number 5 px
vertical max vertical Number 5 px
rotation max rotation Number 5 deg
duration complete animation cycle duration Number 300 ms
quantity iterations quantity Number String 'infinite'
timingFunc CSS animation-timing-function String 'ease-in-out'
interval interval between each @keyframe, a kind of fine tuning for the animation Number 10 %
max max @keyframe value, in case other than 100% creates a pause in the animation Number 100 %
transformOrigin CSS transform-origin String 'center center'
fixed fixed animation Boolean false
freez pause in the animation when interacting Boolean false
active active the animations Boolean true
trigger CSS pseudo-class which interacts with animation String :hover
fixedStop Allows to stop the animation with trigger when animation is fixed Boolean false
elem HTML element to create String div

Easy way with defaults:


<p shake>Default Shaking Directive</p>