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dyna-fetch wrapps the axios and adds some sugar on it like:

  • pre-flight to bypass CORS
  • timeout
  • cancel
  • retry
  • abort

Written in Typescript, it is universal and runs everywhere browser/nodeJs/.


import {dynaFetch} from 'dyna-fetch';

const myRequest = dynaFetch({
    url: '',
    requestConfig: {        // (optional)
        data: {},           // (optional) Request body
    preFlight: true,        // (optional) try to bypass CORS
    timeout: 20000,         // (optional) wait for max 20 seconds
    retryMaxTimes: 3,       // (optional) retry max 3 times
    retryTimeout: 1000,     // (optional) wait for 1sec for each retry
    retryRandomFactor: 1,   // (optional) timeout factor
    onRetry: () => console.log('retrying...'), // (optional) 

    .then((response: AxiosResponse) => {
        // ...
    .catch((error: IError | AxiosError) => {
        // ...

// later you can abort it, rejects the promise

// later you can cancel it, rejects the promise
myRequest.cancel('Fetch is canceled');


interface IDynaFetchConfig {
  url: string;
  requestConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig;         // help:
  preFlight?: boolean;                        // default: false, skip CORS with pre-flight OPTIONS request (the server should support this)
  retry?: (error: AxiosError) => boolean;     // default: () => true; Validate the error. Return true to retry or false to return the error.
  cancelOnRetry?: boolean;                    // default: false; if true, in case of retry timeout the current request will be XHR canceled.
  retryMaxTimes?: number;                     // default: 0
  retryTimeout?: number;                      // default: 0, in ms
  retryRandomFactor?: number;                 // default is 1, finalTimeout = retryTimeout * random(0, timeoutRandomFactor)
  onRetry?: () => void;                       // callback called on each retry

dynaFetch API

The dynaFetch() returns a promise object together with a small API object.

TS the type of th result is IDynaFetchHandler.

  abort: () => void;
  cancel: (message?: string) => void;


During the execution of the request, you can abort the request.

Note: The request is not a cancelled! The abort just swallows the response and rejects the promise.


Cancel the XHR request.

Cancel rejects the promise.


In case of a rejected request, if the error has to do with features of the dyna-fetch, the IError will be returned.

Otherwise, the axios's error will be returned.


interface IError {
  code?: number | string; // code
  section?: string;       // section of the application (dynaFetch in this case)
  message?: string;       // a meaningful dev/debug message
  error?: any;            // nested error

error.code 5017

In case of timeout.

error.code 5019

In case of abort() call.

Change log



  • Working with axios
  • Pre-flight requests with CORS
  • Retry with random factor


  • New prop retry?: (error: AxiosError) => boolean;. Validate the error to retry or not.
  • The returned error is not an IError that wraps the AxiosError but the AxiosError directly. Still the IError returned on 5017 & 5019.


  • Cancel request on demand
  • Cancel request on retry


  • Cancel request on retry only then the cancelOnRetry: true config prop