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ui select

Josh Slauson edited this page Nov 8, 2018 · 52 revisions

The ui-select directive is the main directive of the module.


option description value default
close-on-select Closes a multi-select upon selection boolean true
append-to-body Appends the dropdown to the box vs relative boolean false
ng-disabled Control is disabled boolean
ng-model Object bound to control string,number,array
search-enabled Search is enabled boolean true
reset-search-input Clears the search box after selecting an option boolean true
theme Style of control, see themes section string 'bootstrap'
tagging Enable tagging mode (add new items on the fly). Accepts a string which is a scope function. If your model is an array of objects, this string is required. The function will be passed the new item as a string and should return an object which is the transformed value to be pushed to the items array. string ($scope function) undefined
tagging-label Set a label for tags that appear in the dropdown. Expects a string or false. If false, then tagging happens without new items appearing in the dropdown. If empty or undeclared, tagging-label defaults to (new) string, boolean undefined
tagging-tokens Specify keyboard keys that will trigger creation of a new tag. Multiple keys can be separated by a pipe ` , SPACEis declaration for literal spacebar. (Defaults toENTERand,`) string
autofocus Automatically get focus when loaded. boolean false
focus-on Define a scope event name to listen (e.g. focus-on='SomeEventName') string
skip-focusser Set to true to skip the focusser after selecting an item. boolean false
paste Accepts a string which is a scope function. The function will be passed the pasted text as a string. string ($scope function) undefined
limit Limits the number of selected items in multiple select mode integer undefined
spinner-enabled Sets the spinner enabled when using the refresh function boolean false
spinner-class Sets the spinner css class. Default it will have its own style but can be overridden using this. string glyphicon-refresh ui-select-spin
input-id Sets the input id so it can be <label>led string undefined


event name description example
on-remove Occurs when an item was removed on-remove="someFunction($item, $model)"
on-select Occurs when an item was selected on-select="someFunction($item, $model)"

Global Config Options

You can set some options at the global level using the uiSelectConfig constant like:

app.config(['uiSelectConfig', function(uiSelectConfig) {
  uiSelectConfig.theme = 'bootstrap';
  uiSelectConfig.resetSearchInput = true;
  uiSelectConfig.appendToBody = true;


ui-select has the following themes:

Themes can be set at a global level using a provider:

var app = angular.module('app', ['']);

app.config(['uiSelectConfig', function(uiSelectConfig) {
  uiSelectConfig.theme = 'bootstrap';

or as a property on the select element like:

<ui-select ng-model="" theme="bootstrap">

Themes: Bootstrap

If you already use Bootstrap, this theme will save you a lot of CSS code compared to the Select2 and Selectize themes.


  • bower install bootstrap
  • <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css">
  • Or the LESS version: @import "bower_components/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less";

Bootstrap CDN:

  • <link rel="stylesheet" href="">


app.config(['uiSelectConfig', function(uiSelectConfig) {
  uiSelectConfig.theme = 'bootstrap';

Themes: Select2


  • bower install select2#~3.4.5
  • <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/select2/select2.css">


  • <link rel="stylesheet" href="">


app.config(['uiSelectConfig', function(uiSelectConfig) {
  uiSelectConfig.theme = 'select2';

Themes: Selectize


  • bower install selectize#~0.8.5
  • <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/selectize/dist/css/selectize.default.css">
  • Or the LESS version: @import "bower_components/selectize/dist/less/selectize.default.less";


  • <link rel="stylesheet" href="">


app.config(['uiSelectConfig', function(uiSelectConfig) {
  uiSelectConfig.theme = 'selectize';

Examples: Multiple Selection

Multi selection allows the user to select multiple values. To enable it add the the multiple attribute to your select element; example:

 <ui-select multiple ng-model="">

in the ui-select-match element you need to change your naming to match your selected item like:

<ui-select-match placeholder="Select person...">
    {{$}} &lt;{{$}}&gt;

note the $item usage instead of $ like in a our single item implementation.

Multi-select with complex objects

If you wish to do multi-selection with complex object types, you can use the track-by expression to define the primary key. Example:

model.selected = { 
  name: 'Samantha',  
  email: 'something different than array source',  
  group: 'bar', 
  age: 30 

with the following ui-select markup:

<ui-select ng-model="model.selected">
	<ui-select-match placeholder="Pick one...">{{$}}</ui-select-match>
	<ui-select-choices repeat="person in people | filter: $ track by">
		<div ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></div>
		<div ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></div>

For more information, see the PR.

Examples: Limits on Multiple Selection

You can specify a limit on the number of tags allowed in a multiple selection tagging list using the limit attribute.

No more than 3 tags allowed to be chosen
<ui-select multiple limit="3" tagging ng-model="LimitedResult.selectedItems">
    <ui-select-match placeholder="Select up to 3 items">{{$item}}</ui-select-match>
    <ui-select-choices repeat="thisItem in listOfItems | filter:$">

Examples: Disabling Instead of Removing Selected Items in Multiple Selection

By default, a multiple selection list will remove items from the dropdown when they are selected. Available in version v0.17.2 or greater, setting the attribute remove-selected="false" on multiple selection will disable these items rather than remove them:

remove-selected example screen shot

In the image above, id would have been removed from the dropdown with the default behavior. With remove-selected="false", it is still in the dropdown, but disabled because it is already selected.

Examples: Tagging

Simple String Tags with Custom Tag Label
<ui-select multiple tagging tagging-label="(custom 'new' label)" ng-model="multipleDemo.colors">
<ui-select-match placeholder="Select colors...">{{$item}}</ui-select-match>
<ui-select-choices repeat="color in availableColors | filter:$">

Feel free to refer to this example on Plnkr for more options:

Examples: Async

<ui-select-choices repeat="address in addresses track by $index"
function MyCtrl(){
  $scope.addresses = [];
  $scope.refreshAddresses = function(address) {
    var params = {address: address, sensor: false};
    return $http.get('', {params: params})
      .then(function(response) {
        $scope.addresses =

Note: The $ is the search input value.

Examples: Set focus

<ui-select focus-on='SetFocus'>

<button ng-click="setInputFocus()">Set Focus</button>
function MyCtrl(){
  $scope.setInputFocus = function(){