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fix(compiler-cli): compute source-mappings for localized strings (#38747
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Previously, localized strings had very limited or incorrect source-mapping
information available.

Now the i18n AST nodes and related output AST nodes include source-span
information about message-parts and placeholders - including closing tag

This information is then used when generating the final localized string
ASTs to ensure that the correct source-mapping is rendered.

See #38588 (comment)

PR Close #38747
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petebacondarwin authored and atscott committed Sep 8, 2020
1 parent 6b0dba4 commit b4eb016
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Showing 7 changed files with 217 additions and 113 deletions.
225 changes: 122 additions & 103 deletions packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/translator/src/translator.ts
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at

import {ArrayType, AssertNotNull, BinaryOperator, BinaryOperatorExpr, BuiltinType, BuiltinTypeName, CastExpr, ClassStmt, CommaExpr, CommentStmt, ConditionalExpr, DeclareFunctionStmt, DeclareVarStmt, Expression, ExpressionStatement, ExpressionType, ExpressionVisitor, ExternalExpr, FunctionExpr, IfStmt, InstantiateExpr, InvokeFunctionExpr, InvokeMethodExpr, JSDocCommentStmt, LiteralArrayExpr, LiteralExpr, LiteralMapExpr, MapType, NotExpr, ReadKeyExpr, ReadPropExpr, ReadVarExpr, ReturnStatement, Statement, StatementVisitor, StmtModifier, ThrowStmt, TryCatchStmt, Type, TypeofExpr, TypeVisitor, WrappedNodeExpr, WriteKeyExpr, WritePropExpr, WriteVarExpr} from '@angular/compiler';
import {ArrayType, AssertNotNull, BinaryOperator, BinaryOperatorExpr, BuiltinType, BuiltinTypeName, CastExpr, ClassStmt, CommaExpr, CommentStmt, ConditionalExpr, DeclareFunctionStmt, DeclareVarStmt, Expression, ExpressionStatement, ExpressionType, ExpressionVisitor, ExternalExpr, FunctionExpr, IfStmt, InstantiateExpr, InvokeFunctionExpr, InvokeMethodExpr, JSDocCommentStmt, LiteralArrayExpr, LiteralExpr, LiteralMapExpr, MapType, NotExpr, ParseSourceSpan, ReadKeyExpr, ReadPropExpr, ReadVarExpr, ReturnStatement, Statement, StatementVisitor, StmtModifier, ThrowStmt, TryCatchStmt, Type, TypeofExpr, TypeVisitor, WrappedNodeExpr, WriteKeyExpr, WritePropExpr, WriteVarExpr} from '@angular/compiler';
import {LocalizedString, UnaryOperator, UnaryOperatorExpr} from '@angular/compiler/src/output/output_ast';
import * as ts from 'typescript';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslatorVisitor implements ExpressionVisitor, StatementVisitor

visitReadVarExpr(ast: ReadVarExpr, context: Context): ts.Identifier {
const identifier = ts.createIdentifier(!);
this.setSourceMapRange(identifier, ast);
this.setSourceMapRange(identifier, ast.sourceSpan);
return identifier;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslatorVisitor implements ExpressionVisitor, StatementVisitor
const call = ts.createCall( !== null ? ts.createPropertyAccess(target, : target, undefined, => arg.visitExpression(this, context)));
this.setSourceMapRange(call, ast);
this.setSourceMapRange(call, ast.sourceSpan);
return call;

Expand All @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslatorVisitor implements ExpressionVisitor, StatementVisitor
if (ast.pure) {
ts.addSyntheticLeadingComment(expr, ts.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia, '@__PURE__', false);
this.setSourceMapRange(expr, ast);
this.setSourceMapRange(expr, ast.sourceSpan);
return expr;

Expand All @@ -274,15 +274,15 @@ class ExpressionTranslatorVisitor implements ExpressionVisitor, StatementVisitor
} else {
expr = ts.createLiteral(ast.value);
this.setSourceMapRange(expr, ast);
this.setSourceMapRange(expr, ast.sourceSpan);
return expr;

visitLocalizedString(ast: LocalizedString, context: Context): ts.Expression {
const localizedString = this.scriptTarget >= ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015 ?
createLocalizedStringTaggedTemplate(ast, context, this) :
createLocalizedStringFunctionCall(ast, context, this, this.imports);
this.setSourceMapRange(localizedString, ast);
this.createLocalizedStringTaggedTemplate(ast, context) :
this.createLocalizedStringFunctionCall(ast, context);
this.setSourceMapRange(localizedString, ast.sourceSpan);
return localizedString;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslatorVisitor implements ExpressionVisitor, StatementVisitor
visitLiteralArrayExpr(ast: LiteralArrayExpr, context: Context): ts.ArrayLiteralExpression {
const expr =
ts.createArrayLiteral( => expr.visitExpression(this, context)));
this.setSourceMapRange(expr, ast);
this.setSourceMapRange(expr, ast.sourceSpan);
return expr;

Expand All @@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslatorVisitor implements ExpressionVisitor, StatementVisitor
entry.quoted ? ts.createLiteral(entry.key) : ts.createIdentifier(entry.key),
entry.value.visitExpression(this, context)));
const expr = ts.createObjectLiteral(entries);
this.setSourceMapRange(expr, ast);
this.setSourceMapRange(expr, ast.sourceSpan);
return expr;

Expand All @@ -424,9 +424,111 @@ class ExpressionTranslatorVisitor implements ExpressionVisitor, StatementVisitor
return ts.createTypeOf(ast.expr.visitExpression(this, context));

private setSourceMapRange(expr: ts.Expression, ast: Expression) {
if (ast.sourceSpan) {
const {start, end} = ast.sourceSpan;
* Translate the `LocalizedString` node into a `TaggedTemplateExpression` for ES2015 formatted
* output.
private createLocalizedStringTaggedTemplate(ast: LocalizedString, context: Context):
ts.TaggedTemplateExpression {
let template: ts.TemplateLiteral;
const length = ast.messageParts.length;
const metaBlock = ast.serializeI18nHead();
if (length === 1) {
template = ts.createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(metaBlock.cooked, metaBlock.raw);
this.setSourceMapRange(template, ast.getMessagePartSourceSpan(0));
} else {
// Create the head part
const head = ts.createTemplateHead(metaBlock.cooked, metaBlock.raw);
this.setSourceMapRange(head, ast.getMessagePartSourceSpan(0));
const spans: ts.TemplateSpan[] = [];
// Create the middle parts
for (let i = 1; i < length - 1; i++) {
const resolvedExpression = ast.expressions[i - 1].visitExpression(this, context);
this.setSourceMapRange(resolvedExpression, ast.getPlaceholderSourceSpan(i - 1));
const templatePart = ast.serializeI18nTemplatePart(i);
const templateMiddle = createTemplateMiddle(templatePart.cooked, templatePart.raw);
this.setSourceMapRange(templateMiddle, ast.getMessagePartSourceSpan(i));
const templateSpan = ts.createTemplateSpan(resolvedExpression, templateMiddle);
// Create the tail part
const resolvedExpression = ast.expressions[length - 2].visitExpression(this, context);
this.setSourceMapRange(resolvedExpression, ast.getPlaceholderSourceSpan(length - 2));
const templatePart = ast.serializeI18nTemplatePart(length - 1);
const templateTail = createTemplateTail(templatePart.cooked, templatePart.raw);
this.setSourceMapRange(templateTail, ast.getMessagePartSourceSpan(length - 1));
spans.push(ts.createTemplateSpan(resolvedExpression, templateTail));
// Put it all together
template = ts.createTemplateExpression(head, spans);
const expression = ts.createTaggedTemplate(ts.createIdentifier('$localize'), template);
this.setSourceMapRange(expression, ast.sourceSpan);
return expression;

* Translate the `LocalizedString` node into a `$localize` call using the imported
* `__makeTemplateObject` helper for ES5 formatted output.
private createLocalizedStringFunctionCall(ast: LocalizedString, context: Context) {
// A `$localize` message consists `messageParts` and `expressions`, which get interleaved
// together. The interleaved pieces look like:
// `[messagePart0, expression0, messagePart1, expression1, messagePart2]`
// Note that there is always a message part at the start and end, and so therefore
// `messageParts.length === expressions.length + 1`.
// Each message part may be prefixed with "metadata", which is wrapped in colons (:) delimiters.
// The metadata is attached to the first and subsequent message parts by calls to
// `serializeI18nHead()` and `serializeI18nTemplatePart()` respectively.

// The first message part (i.e. `ast.messageParts[0]`) is used to initialize `messageParts`
// array.
const messageParts = [ast.serializeI18nHead()];
const expressions: any[] = [];

// The rest of the `ast.messageParts` and each of the expressions are `ast.expressions` pushed
// into the arrays. Note that `ast.messagePart[i]` corresponds to `expressions[i-1]`
for (let i = 1; i < ast.messageParts.length; i++) {
expressions.push(ast.expressions[i - 1].visitExpression(this, context));

// The resulting downlevelled tagged template string uses a call to the `__makeTemplateObject()`
// helper, so we must ensure it has been imported.
const {moduleImport, symbol} =
this.imports.generateNamedImport('tslib', '__makeTemplateObject');
const __makeTemplateObjectHelper = (moduleImport === null) ?
ts.createIdentifier(symbol) :
ts.createPropertyAccess(ts.createIdentifier(moduleImport), ts.createIdentifier(symbol));

// Generate the call in the form:
// `$localize(__makeTemplateObject(cookedMessageParts, rawMessageParts), ...expressions);`
const cookedLiterals =
(messagePart, i) =>
this.createLiteral(messagePart.cooked, ast.getMessagePartSourceSpan(i)));
const rawLiterals =
(messagePart, i) => this.createLiteral(messagePart.raw, ast.getMessagePartSourceSpan(i)));
return ts.createCall(
/* expression */ ts.createIdentifier('$localize'),
/* typeArguments */ undefined,
/* argumentsArray */[
/* expression */ __makeTemplateObjectHelper,
/* typeArguments */ undefined,
/* argumentsArray */

private setSourceMapRange(expr: ts.Node, sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan|null) {
if (sourceSpan) {
const {start, end} = sourceSpan;
const {url, content} = start.file;
if (url) {
if (!this.externalSourceFiles.has(url)) {
Expand All @@ -437,6 +539,12 @@ class ExpressionTranslatorVisitor implements ExpressionVisitor, StatementVisitor

private createLiteral(text: string, span: ParseSourceSpan|null) {
const literal = ts.createStringLiteral(text);
this.setSourceMapRange(literal, span);
return literal;

export class TypeTranslatorVisitor implements ExpressionVisitor, TypeVisitor {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -662,40 +770,6 @@ export class TypeTranslatorVisitor implements ExpressionVisitor, TypeVisitor {

* Translate the `LocalizedString` node into a `TaggedTemplateExpression` for ES2015 formatted
* output.
function createLocalizedStringTaggedTemplate(
ast: LocalizedString, context: Context, visitor: ExpressionVisitor) {
let template: ts.TemplateLiteral;
const length = ast.messageParts.length;
const metaBlock = ast.serializeI18nHead();
if (length === 1) {
template = ts.createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(metaBlock.cooked, metaBlock.raw);
} else {
// Create the head part
const head = ts.createTemplateHead(metaBlock.cooked, metaBlock.raw);
const spans: ts.TemplateSpan[] = [];
// Create the middle parts
for (let i = 1; i < length - 1; i++) {
const resolvedExpression = ast.expressions[i - 1].visitExpression(visitor, context);
const templatePart = ast.serializeI18nTemplatePart(i);
const templateMiddle = createTemplateMiddle(templatePart.cooked, templatePart.raw);
spans.push(ts.createTemplateSpan(resolvedExpression, templateMiddle));
// Create the tail part
const resolvedExpression = ast.expressions[length - 2].visitExpression(visitor, context);
const templatePart = ast.serializeI18nTemplatePart(length - 1);
const templateTail = createTemplateTail(templatePart.cooked, templatePart.raw);
spans.push(ts.createTemplateSpan(resolvedExpression, templateTail));
// Put it all together
template = ts.createTemplateExpression(head, spans);
return ts.createTaggedTemplate(ts.createIdentifier('$localize'), template);

// HACK: Use this in place of `ts.createTemplateMiddle()`.
// Revert once is fixed
function createTemplateMiddle(cooked: string, raw: string): ts.TemplateMiddle {
Expand All @@ -710,59 +784,4 @@ function createTemplateTail(cooked: string, raw: string): ts.TemplateTail {
const node: ts.TemplateLiteralLikeNode = ts.createTemplateHead(cooked, raw);
(node.kind as ts.SyntaxKind) = ts.SyntaxKind.TemplateTail;
return node as ts.TemplateTail;

* Translate the `LocalizedString` node into a `$localize` call using the imported
* `__makeTemplateObject` helper for ES5 formatted output.
function createLocalizedStringFunctionCall(
ast: LocalizedString, context: Context, visitor: ExpressionVisitor, imports: ImportManager) {
// A `$localize` message consists `messageParts` and `expressions`, which get interleaved
// together. The interleaved pieces look like:
// `[messagePart0, expression0, messagePart1, expression1, messagePart2]`
// Note that there is always a message part at the start and end, and so therefore
// `messageParts.length === expressions.length + 1`.
// Each message part may be prefixed with "metadata", which is wrapped in colons (:) delimiters.
// The metadata is attached to the first and subsequent message parts by calls to
// `serializeI18nHead()` and `serializeI18nTemplatePart()` respectively.

// The first message part (i.e. `ast.messageParts[0]`) is used to initialize `messageParts` array.
const messageParts = [ast.serializeI18nHead()];
const expressions: any[] = [];

// The rest of the `ast.messageParts` and each of the expressions are `ast.expressions` pushed
// into the arrays. Note that `ast.messagePart[i]` corresponds to `expressions[i-1]`
for (let i = 1; i < ast.messageParts.length; i++) {
expressions.push(ast.expressions[i - 1].visitExpression(visitor, context));

// The resulting downlevelled tagged template string uses a call to the `__makeTemplateObject()`
// helper, so we must ensure it has been imported.
const {moduleImport, symbol} = imports.generateNamedImport('tslib', '__makeTemplateObject');
const __makeTemplateObjectHelper = (moduleImport === null) ?
ts.createIdentifier(symbol) :
ts.createPropertyAccess(ts.createIdentifier(moduleImport), ts.createIdentifier(symbol));

// Generate the call in the form:
// `$localize(__makeTemplateObject(cookedMessageParts, rawMessageParts), ...expressions);`
return ts.createCall(
/* expression */ ts.createIdentifier('$localize'),
/* typeArguments */ undefined,
/* argumentsArray */[
/* expression */ __makeTemplateObjectHelper,
/* typeArguments */ undefined,
/* argumentsArray */
ts.createArrayLiteral( => ts.createStringLiteral(messagePart.cooked))),
ts.createArrayLiteral( => ts.createStringLiteral(messagePart.raw))),

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