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A Cloudflare Turnstile wrapper in Vue 3.

Compatible with form in @any-design/anyui.



$ npm i @any-design/turnstile


  <turnstile siteKey="SITE_KEY"></turnstile>

<script steup lang="ts">
import Turnstile from '@any-design/turnstile';
import '@any-design/turnstile/dist/main.css'; // if you want to use the default placeholder style


This component takes the following props:

  • siteKey (required, type: String): The site key from your Turnstile project.

  • callbackName (type: String, default: 'onTurnstileLoaded'): The global callback function name when the Turnstile JS SDK is loaded.

  • modelValue (type: String, default: ''): Use v-model to sync the response of the verification.

  • action (type: String): The action when you verify.

  • size (type: String, optional values: 'normal' | 'compact', default: 'normal'): The size of the widget.

  • theme (type: String, optional values: 'light' | 'dark' | 'auto', default: 'auto'): The theme of the widget.

  • appearance (type: String, optional values: 'always' | 'execute' | 'interaction-only', default: 'always'): How the widget is shown.

  • renderOnMount (type: Boolean, default: true): If set to false, the component will not render on mount. Instead, you need to manually call the render method.

  • autoReset (type: Boolean, default: true): If set to true, the widget will automatically reset after the response expired.

  • resetInterval (type: Number, default: 295000): The interval before automatically reset. Only enabled when autoReset is true.

  • placeholder (type: Boolean, default: true): Render a placeholder while the Turnstile is loading.

  • loadingText (type: String, default: ''): The loading text which will be displayed in the placeholder.

  • readyDelay: (type: Number, default: 1000): The ready event (also the actual render timing) will be delayed due to the Turnstile rendering mechanism.


This component will emit the following events:

  • verify: This gets triggered when the verification completes. The failure could be caused by no response or error during verification. The argument will be { result: boolean, response?: string }.

  • expire: This is emitted when the response expired.

  • error: This is emitted when an error occurred during rendering or verifying.

  • ready: This is emitted when the Turnstile SDK is ready and the widget is rendered.

  • unsupported: This is emitted when the Turnstile reported that the browser is not supported.

  • update:modelValue: This is emitted when the modelValue updates. Often used in v-model.

Exposed Methods

The Turnstile component exposes two methods for you to interact with it.

  • render: Call this method to manually render the Turnstile. It's useful when renderOnMount is set to false.

  • reset: Call this method to manually reset the Turnstile, it will also reset the value of the modelValue.




A Cloudflare Turnstile wrapper in Vue 3.






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