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Deploy via Github Actions and Deployer

The repository contains Deployer configuration for Magento2 and example of Github Actions workflow. The workflow creates events on push into dev/test/master branches and initiate a deployment process to dev/test/master servers, correspondingly.

You need to follow this simple steps to integrate in your project:

  1. Copy deploy.yml from the repo to .github/workflow folder

  2. Copy hosts.yml to root folder and fill the file with your data

  3. Copy deploy.php to root folder if you want to override some tasks

  4. Create required DEPLOY_KEY secret in the settings on your repository, it will be used for connect to servers

  5. Prepare shared folder on your servers:

  • copy app/etc/env.php from current document root to #deploy_path#/shared/app/etc/env.php
  • copy all media files from pub/media to #deploy_path#/shared/pub/media
  1. Be sure all deployment steps are going right on servers (take care about composer/ssh keys)

  2. Push a commit to dev/test/master branch!

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