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Astro Component for CSS reset like tailwind base

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This Astro component provides a CSS reset that is similar to the base styles in Tailwind CSS. It is designed to reset or normalize the default styles provided by the browser, and provide a consistent foundation for styling your Astro projects. The reset includes styles for commonly used HTML elements like headings, paragraphs, lists, and form elements, among others. By using this Astro RESET CSS, you can save time and ensure that your Astro projects have a consistent baseline of styles that are ready to be customized according to your project's needs.


You can install Astro RESET CSS using npm:

npm install @appzic/astro-reset-css


To use the ResetCSS Astro component in your project, simply add it to the head section of your Layout.astro file.

import ResetCSS from "@appzic/astro-reset-css"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


We welcome contributions from the community! Please take a look at our file for more information on how to get started. We appreciate all kinds of contributions, from bug reports and feature requests to code contributions and documentation improvements. Thank you for considering contributing to our project!


Astro RESET CSS is licensed under the MIT License.