413 commits
to master
since this release
Known Issues
- A regression which caused certain apps with resource hooks to fail to sync. This is fixed in 2.14.4.
- A regression which caused auth issues when connecting to clusters with Azure workload identity.
- Erroneous removal of
fields in Redis manifests.
All these issues are fixed in 2.14.4.
Quick Start
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/v2.14.3/manifests/install.yaml
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/v2.14.3/manifests/ha/install.yaml
Release Signatures and Provenance
All Argo CD container images are signed by cosign. A Provenance is generated for container images and CLI binaries which meet the SLSA Level 3 specifications. See the documentation on how to verify.
If upgrading from a different minor version, be sure to read the upgrading documentation.
Bug fixes
- aaed35c: fix(applicationset): ApplicationSets with rolling sync stuck in Pending (cherry-pick #20230) (#21948) (@gcp-cherry-pick-bot[bot])
- d79185a: fix(hydrator): don't get cluster or API versions for hydrator (#21985) (#22038) (@crenshaw-dev)
- 2dd70de: fix(hydrator): don't use manifest-generate-paths (#22039) (cherry-pick #22015) (#22061) (@gcp-cherry-pick-bot[bot])
- 3adb83c: fix(hydrator): refresh by annotation instead of work queue (#22016) (#22067) (@crenshaw-dev)
- 71fd4e5: fix: Check placement exists before length check (#22060) (cherry-pick #22057) (#22089) (@gcp-cherry-pick-bot[bot])
- 896a461: fix: New kube applier for server side diff dry run with refactoring (#21488) (#21819) (@andrii-korotkov-verkada)
- 63edc3e: fix: accidental v3 imports (#22068) (@crenshaw-dev)
- cb1df5d: fix: correct lookup for the kustomization file when applying patches (cherry-pick #22024) (#22086) (@nitishfy)
- 92a3c3d: fix: correctly set compareWith when requesting app refresh with delay (fixes #18998) (cherry-pick #21298) (#21952) (@gcp-cherry-pick-bot[bot])
- 8f925c6: fix: fetch syncedRevision in UpdateRevisionForPaths (#21014) (cherry-pick #21015) (#22011) (@gcp-cherry-pick-bot[bot])
- b5be1df: docs: document source hydrator maturity (cherry-pick #21969) (#21970) (@gcp-cherry-pick-bot[bot])
Other work
Full Changelog: v2.14.2...v2.14.3