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Generate latest changes from OpenApi spec #982

Generate latest changes from OpenApi spec

Generate latest changes from OpenApi spec #982

Triggered via pull request April 27, 2024 13:03
Status Failure
Total duration 1m 19s


on: pull_request
Matrix: clippy
Matrix: test
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57 errors
The process '/home/runner/.cargo/bin/cargo' failed with exit code 1
clippy (tokio-hyper): src/resources/
file not found for module `payment_method_card_present_networks`
clippy (tokio-hyper): src/resources/generated/
the name `Networks` is defined multiple times
clippy (tokio-hyper): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (tokio-hyper): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (tokio-hyper): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (tokio-hyper): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (tokio-hyper): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::ids::ConfirmationTokenId`
clippy (tokio-hyper): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::ids::ConfirmationTokenId`
clippy (tokio-hyper): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::resources::PaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentOffline`
clippy (tokio-hyper): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::resources::PaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentOffline`
clippy (blocking-rustls-webpki)
The job was canceled because "tokio-hyper" failed.
clippy (blocking-rustls-webpki): src/resources/
file not found for module `payment_method_card_present_networks`
clippy (blocking-rustls-webpki): src/resources/generated/
the name `Networks` is defined multiple times
clippy (blocking-rustls-webpki): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (blocking-rustls-webpki): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (blocking-rustls-webpki): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (blocking-rustls-webpki): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (blocking-rustls-webpki): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::ids::ConfirmationTokenId`
clippy (blocking-rustls-webpki): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::ids::ConfirmationTokenId`
clippy (blocking-rustls-webpki): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::resources::PaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentOffline`
clippy (blocking-rustls-webpki): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::resources::PaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentOffline`
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls-webpki)
The job was canceled because "tokio-hyper" failed.
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls-webpki): src/resources/
file not found for module `payment_method_card_present_networks`
clippy (blocking)
The job was canceled because "tokio-hyper" failed.
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls-webpki)
The operation was canceled.
clippy (blocking): src/resources/
file not found for module `payment_method_card_present_networks`
clippy (blocking)
The operation was canceled.
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls)
The job was canceled because "tokio-hyper" failed.
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls): src/resources/
file not found for module `payment_method_card_present_networks`
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls): src/resources/generated/
the name `Networks` is defined multiple times
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls): src/resources/generated/
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::ids::ConfirmationTokenId`
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::ids::ConfirmationTokenId`
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::resources::PaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentOffline`
clippy (tokio-hyper-rustls): src/resources/generated/
unresolved import `crate::resources::PaymentMethodDetailsCardPresentOffline`
clippy (async-std-surf)
The job was canceled because "tokio-hyper" failed.
clippy (async-std-surf)
The operation was canceled.
clippy (blocking-rustls)
The job was canceled because "tokio-hyper" failed.
clippy (blocking-rustls): src/resources/
file not found for module `payment_method_card_present_networks`
clippy (blocking-rustls)
The operation was canceled.
test (blocking)
Process completed with exit code 101.
test (tokio-hyper-rustls-webpki)
The job was canceled because "blocking" failed.
test (tokio-hyper-rustls-webpki)
Process completed with exit code 101.
test (tokio-hyper)
The job was canceled because "blocking" failed.
test (tokio-hyper)
The operation was canceled.
test (async-std-surf)
The job was canceled because "blocking" failed.
test (async-std-surf)
The operation was canceled.
test (blocking-rustls)
The job was canceled because "blocking" failed.
test (blocking-rustls)
The operation was canceled.
test (blocking-rustls-webpki)
The job was canceled because "blocking" failed.
test (blocking-rustls-webpki)
The operation was canceled.
test (tokio-hyper-rustls)
The job was canceled because "blocking" failed.
test (tokio-hyper-rustls)
The operation was canceled.