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Uninstall OneDrive in less than a minute.


  • OneDrive process killed
  • Multiple locations checked, including the most common locations as well as the EXE specified in the Uninstall registry key
  • Registry keys cleaned up
  • Scheduled tasks removed
  • User folders are NOT removed


Note: For a stable experience, use one of the methods listed below (#1, #2, or #3) to fetch the latest version. Using the version directly from the GitHub repository is not advised, as it could be under active development and not fully stable.

Method 1 - PowerShell Gallery

This is the recommended method, because it always gets the public release that has been tested, it's easy to remember, and supports all parameters.

Open PowerShell as Administrator and type

Install-Script UninstallOneDrive -Force

Follow the prompts to complete the installation (you can tap A to accept all prompts or Y to select them individually.

Note: -Force is optional but recommended, as it will force the script to update if it is outdated. If you do not use -Force, it will not overwrite the script if outdated.



If UninstallOneDrive is already installed, you can use the -Force parameter to force the script to run anyway.

The script is published on PowerShell Gallery under UninstallOneDrive.

Tip - How to trust PSGallery

If you want to trust PSGallery so you aren't prompted each time you run this command, or if you're scripting this and want to ensure the script isn't interrupted the first time it runs...

Install-PackageProvider -Name "NuGet" -Force
Set-PSRepository -Name "PSGallery" -InstallationPolicy Trusted

Method 2 - One Line Command (Runs Immediately)

The URL always redirects to the latest code-signed release of the script.

If you just need to run the basic script without any parameters, you can use the following one-line command:

irm | iex

Method 3 - Download Locally and Run

As a more conventional approach, download the latest UninstallOneDrive.ps1 from Releases, then run the script as follows:



No parameters are required to run the script, but there are some optional parameters to use if needed.

Parameter Description
-CheckForUpdate Checks if there is an update available for the script.
-UpdateSelf Updates the script to the latest version.
-Version Displays the version of the script.
-Help Displays the full help information for the script.

Example Parameters Usage

UninstallOneDrive -UpdateSelf


If you'd like to help develop this project: fork the repo, edit, then submit a pull request. 😊