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What is It?

Mediumautopost is a CLI tool (and a Go package) that will automatically post your website's articles to as long as you have your website set up according to this README. Usage is simple, and once it's set up it will work with one single command.

How to Install

brew tap askcloudarchitech/askcloudarchitech && brew install mediumautopost
Or download binary from the releases tab.
Or use as a package with package

Setting up

To use this tool you will need to set up a few things:

  1. set up a Github repo where mediumautopost will save the status of your posts (so it doesnt re-post anything)
  2. get a Github personal token
  3. get your API key
  4. set up your website so it can tell mediumautopost about its articles. To see how to do this, read this article on my website: or on at:

Alternative file storage

If you dont want the post status stored in a github repo, you can configure the tool to store the status in a local file. To do this, leave the GITHUB env vars empty and instead set the STORAGE_TYPE to "FILE" and STORAGE_FILE_PATH in the .env and this program will use a local file instead.

Running the tool

After you have your website set up as mentioned above and you have the required tokens an such, create a .env file in the following format:

MEDIUM_BEARER_TOKEN="get token from Medium. paste here"
WEBSITE_JSON_INDEX_URL="path to your JSON index file"
GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN="generate a personal access token and paste here"
GITHUB_STATUS_REPO_OWNER="your Github account name"
GITHUB_STATUS_REPO="repo name for storing status of posts to"

Next, run the command and you are all set.

mediumautopost -e /path/to/your/.env and watch the magic happen!


Want to make it better or add a feature? Open a pull request and I will review, test and deploy.