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Releases: auth0/laravel-auth0


18 May 06:29
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Good news, Laravel Artisans! Auth0 is proud to announce the availability of v7.8 of our Laravel SDK! 🎉 This is a substantial release that includes features long requested by developers, including fully separate and independently configurable authentication and authorization guards, support for Laravel's auth and can middleware, and Laravel's Gates and Policies APIs.

We've made some exciting changes that remove nearly all the boilerplate and setup required to integrate the SDK. Short of configuring your account details, the SDK can now work largely "out of the box," as it will silently register its guards, middleware, and authentication routes. Speaking of configuration — the SDK can now be configured entirely using the Auth0 CLI!

We've updated our authentication and authorization quickstarts to reflect the simplified setup process. Of course, the updated quickstart code is available here on GitHub, as well.


  • This release adds support for authenticating using Pushed Authorization Requests.

  • This release introduces two new Authentication Guards which provide a streamlined integration experience for developers that need to simultaneously support both session-based authentication and token-based endpoint authorization in their Laravel applications.

    Guard Class Description
    auth0.authenticator Auth0\Laravel\Auth\Guards\AuthenticationGuard Session-based authentication.
    auth0.authorizer Auth0\Laravel\Auth\Guards\AuthorizationGuard Token-based authorization.
  • These guards are compatible with Laravel's Authentication API and support the standard auth middleware.

  • These guards are compatible with Laravel's Authorization API and support the standard can middleware, and the Guard facade, and work with the Policies API.

  • 3 new pre-built Guards are available: scope and permission, as well as a dynamic *:*. This enables you to verify whether the user's access token has a particular scope or (if RBAC is enabled on the Auth0 API) a particular permission. For example Gate::check('scope', 'email') or Route::get(/*...*/)->can('read:messages').

  • The SDK now automatically registers these guards to Laravel's standard web and api middleware groups, respectively. Manual Guard setup in config/auth.php is no longer necessary.

  • The SDK now automatically registers the Authentication routes. Manual route setup in routes/web.php is no longer necessary.

  • 2 new routing Middleware have been added: Auth0\Laravel\Http\Middleware\AuthenticatorMiddleware and Auth0\Laravel\Http\Middleware\AuthorizerMiddleware. These are automatically registered with your Laravel application, and ensure the Auth0 Guards are used for authentication for web routes and authorization for api routes, respectively. This replaces the need for the guard middleware or otherwise manual Guard assignment in your routes.


  • We've introduced a new configuration syntax. This new syntax is more flexible and allows for more complex configuration scenarios, and introduces support for multiple guard instances. Developers using the previous syntax will have their existing configurations applied to all guards uniformly.

  • The SDK can now configure itself using a .auth0.json file in the project root directory. This file can be generated using the Auth0 CLI, and provides a significantly simpler configuration experience for developers.

  • The previous auth0.guard Guard (Auth0\Laravel\Auth\Guard) has been refactored as a lightweight wrapper around the new AuthenticationGuard and AuthorizationGuard guards.


  • This is a significant refactoring of the SDK's codebase, but we have implemented these changes in a manner that should avoid breaking changes.
  • We have deprecated the previous auth0.guard. It will continue to work until the next release, but we recommend migrating to auth0.authorizer and/or auth0.authenticator for a better experience.
  • We have deprecated the previous auth0.authorize, auth0.authorize.optional, auth0.authenticate and auth0.authenticate.optional middleware. These will continue to work until the next release, but we recommend migrating to the new auth0.authorizer and/or auth0.authenticator guards for a better experience. These new guards do not require the previous middleware to work, and support Laravel's standard auth and can middleware.


26 Apr 15:51
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  • Auth0\Laravel\Auth0 now has a management() shortcut method for issuing Management API calls. (#376)

  • Auth0\Laravel\Auth0\Guard now has a refreshUser() method for querying /userinfo endpoint and refreshing the authenticated user's cached profile data. (#375)

  • Auth0\Laravel\Http\Controller\Stateful\Login now raises a LoginAttempting event, offering an opportunity to customize the authorization parameters before the login redirect is issued. (#382)


  • The tokenCache, managementTokenCache, sessionStorage and transientStorage configuration values now support false or string values pointing to class names (e.g. \Some\Cache::class) or class aliases (e.g. cache.psr6) registered with Laravel. (#381)


13 Apr 01:12
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  • Auth0\Laravel\Http\Middleware\Guard, new middleware that forces Laravel to route requests through a group using a specific Guard. (#362)


  • Auth0\Laravel\Http\Middleware\Stateful\Authenticate now remembers the intended route (using redirect()->setIntendedUrl()) before kicking off authentication flow redirect. Users will be returned to the memorized intended route after completing their authentication flow. (#364)


  • legacyGuardUserMethod behaviour should use $session, not $token (#353)


10 Apr 17:04
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  • Relaxed response types from middleware to use low-level Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response class, allowing for broader and custom response types.


04 Apr 21:13
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  • Resolved an issue wherein custom user repositories could fail to be instantiated under certain circumstances.


03 Apr 13:59
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This release includes support for Laravel 10, and major improvements to the internal state handling mechanisms of the SDK.


— Support for Laravel 10 #349
— New Auth0\Laravel\Traits\Imposter trait to allow for easier testing. Example usage
— New Exception types have been added for more precise error catching.

The following changes have no effect on the external API of this package, but may affect internal usage.

Guard will now more reliably detect changes in the underlying Auth0-PHP SDK session state.
Guard will now more reliably sync changes back to the underlying Auth0-PHP SDK session state.
StateInstance concept has been replaced by new Credentials entity.
Guard updated to use new Credentials entity as primary internal storage for user data.
Auth0\Laravel\Traits\ActingAsAuth0User was updated to use newCredentials entity.
— The HTTP middleware have been refactored to more clearly differentiate between token and session based identities.
— The authenticate, authenticate.optional and authorize.optional HTTP middleware now support scope filtering, as authorize already did.


— A 'Session store not set on request' error could occur when downstream applications implemented unit testing that use the Guard. This should be resolved now.
Guard would not always honor the provider configuration value in config/auth.php.
Guard is no longer defined as a Singleton to better support applications that need multi-guard configurations.


— Upgraded test suite to use PEST 2.0 framework.
— Updated test coverage to 100%.

Important Notes

1. Changes to user() behavior
This release includes a significant behavior change around the user() method of the Guard. Previously, by simply invoking the method, the SDK would search for any available credential (access token, device session, etc.) and automatically assign the user within the Guard. The HTTP middleware have been upgraded to handle the user assignment step, and user() now only returns the current state of user assignment without altering it.

A new property has been added to the config/auth0.php configuration file: behavior. This is an array. At this time, there is a single option: legacyGuardUserMethod, a bool. If this value is set to true, or if the key is missing, the previously expected behavior will be applied, and user() will behave as it did before this release. The property defaults to false.

2. Changes to Guard and Provider driver aliases
We identified an issue with using identical alias naming for both the Guard and Provider singletons under Laravel 10, which has required us to rename these aliases. As previous guidance had been to instantiate these using their class names, this should not be a breaking change in most cases. However, if you had used auth0 as the name for either the Guard or the Provider drivers, kindly note that these have changed. Please use auth0.guard for the Guard driver, and auth0.provider for the Provider driver. This is a regrettable change, but was necessary for adequate Laravel 10 support.

Thanks to our contributors for this release: taida957789


13 Dec 01:17
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  • Added Auth0\Laravel\Event\Middleware\... event hooks #340 (evansims)
  • Added Auth0\Laravel\Event\Configuration\Building event hook #339 (evansims)


07 Nov 23:37
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Full Changelog



  • fix: env() incorrectly assigns cookieExpires to a string value #332 (evansims)
  • fix: Auth0\Laravel\Cache\LaravelCachePool::createItem returning a cache miss #329 (pkivits-litebit)


20 Oct 04:09
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Full Changelog


  • [SDK-3720] Restore php artisan vendor:publish command #321 (evansims)
  • [SDK-3721] Bump minimum auth0/auth0-php version to ^8.3.4 #322 (evansims)


14 Oct 17:09
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  • Auth0\Laravel\Auth0 no longer requires a session configuration for stateless strategies, restoring previous behavior. #317 (evansims)
  • The SDK now requires ^3.0 of the psr/cache dependency, to accommodate breaking changes made in the upstream interface (typed parameters and return types) for PHP 8.0+. #316 (evansims)