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Releases: auth0/laravel-auth0

SDK Client headers spec compliant

12 May 15:00
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Merge pull request #12 from auth0/2.x.x-dev

SDK Client headers spec compliant #11

API v2 support + auth0-php 1.0.0 upgrade

07 May 20:11
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updated composer.json

2.0.0 Auth0 for Laravel 5

20 Apr 19:29
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This release adds Laravel 5 compatibility.

Upgrade guide:

  • Add the new middleware to your app/Http/Kernel.php file and change your rules (since filters are not supported, you need to change them to use the new middleware - check the README -).
  • Bind the Auth0UseRepository in your AppServiceProvider (or create your own and bind it).
  • Update your configuration (publish it and copy your Auth0 app data to it).

Fixing version incompatibility with Laravel 4.2

01 Aug 20:01
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Changed version for 4.* for laravel 4.*


01 Aug 19:37
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Build wan't working due to a dependency naming change and a bug on composer, where if you use 4.1.* for versioning but the tags are v4.1.2 they're not recognized by composer. Fixing version to the last 4.1.X now.

Fixed documentation

07 May 02:28
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Also, changed name of the function to get the jwt user from apiuser to jwtuser

Fixed problem with composer

21 Apr 21:34
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Fix problem with classmap in composer.json