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How to Run This App

  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Build the project: npm install
  3. Run the app: npx shadow-cljs watch app
  4. Navigate in your browser to http://localhost:8080/

How This App Was Built

This app was bootstrapped by running npx create-cljs-project my-todo-app, then npm install react react-dom, by adding reagent to the shadow-cljs.edn dependencies, by configuring the build configuration (also in shadow-cljs.edn), and by requiring reagent.core, reagent.dom, and the clojure.string libraries in core.cljs.

This app was "transformed" into a PWA by adding service-worker.js, by adding a service worker install script into index.html, by adding a manifest.json, by referencing the manifest.json file in the head of index.html, and by adding some PNG icons.