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feat(ecs): add validation checks to memory cpu combinations of FARGATE compatible task definitions #128684

feat(ecs): add validation checks to memory cpu combinations of FARGATE compatible task definitions

feat(ecs): add validation checks to memory cpu combinations of FARGATE compatible task definitions #128684

Triggered via pull request May 12, 2024 18:51
edited #30166
Status Failure
Total duration 1m 48s


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The pull request linter fails with the following errors: ❌ Features must contain a change to a README file. ❌ Features must contain a change to an integration test file and the resulting snapshot. <b>PRs must pass status checks before we can provide a meaningful review.</b> If you would like to request an exemption from the status checks or clarification on feedback, please leave a comment on this PR containing `Exemption Request` and/or `Clarification Request`.