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A List of Simple and Interesting Python Scripts 💻

Simple Python Projects to Get You Started 👨‍💻

Part of brilliant yet easy to understand programs. This collection is meant to get one started as it is completely a great way to learn or brush up on coding skills and algorithms.

About The Project

Product Name Screen Shot

This is an interesting collection of Python scripts that I keep adding to it every now and then. Enjoy and feel free to add more to it or improve it. My ultimate goal with this collection is to have a large list of fantastic small programmes that could be used as learning reference or an add-on to a fun project. Enjoy 😉

Built With

App Name Description
Cards Game Blackjack is a card game that pits player versus dealer. It is played with one or more decks of cards. It's great to learn about whileloops and functions. Clone it and play with the computer
Leap Year Python A leap year is a calendar year that contains an additional day added to keep the calendar year synchronised with the astronomical year or seasonal year.
Number Guessing Game In this game the computer will randomly generate a number and wait for the user guess, if not the same, the user gets multiple tries before losing the game, but if the user gets the correct answer then it's a win
Passwords Manager A simple Python passwords generator - letters, numbers, and symbols
Ping Pong Game This program uses Turtle to draw the paddles, ball and the background. Use this simple game is very interesting to understand Object Oriented Programming
Prime Number This is one of the most questions I get asked whenever there is a coding quiz. Prime numbers are numbers that have only 2 factors: 1 and themselves. For example, the first 5 prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
Quiz Game In this application, the user gets ten questions, one at a time from a JSON file. User gets two two options, and the score gets calculated at the end and it also uses OOP
Simple Auction Logic This is rather quite a basic program to get inputs and keep the loop going unless stopped, after that provide the person with the highest bid
Snake Game Bringing back old phone memories, this was one of the most enjoyable games out there. Nowadays, it's almost nonexistent, for that reason I coded up a simple snake game using Turtle in Python, and quite helpful to understand more about OOP
Spelling Game Hangman It's an old-school game which can help one improve words spelling and expand vocabulary. The user gets an option to enter a letter or loses a point which all recorded in the game.
Spirograh Draw Add your own beautiful Spiro drawing using this application, you can customise it however you want and make it your own. It's also a great fun tool
Turtle Racing Game This is a must play super simple game built with Turtle()module. Turtles are in different colours race to reach the end of the screen.
Units Calculator I enjoyed building this simple BMI calculator and units converto. I still want to add more units and would love to see more people add to it.
Events Email Notification This program for busy people who tend to forget events dates or even birthdays. It will help you to schedule birthday letter to send it on a pre-scheduled date which could save time and lots of embarrassment. 🙈
Sunset Reminder This app uses two APIs, Open Notify and Sunset and sunrise times API both integrate nicely in making an app that detects when it's in the space and night time then it will automatically send you an email
Tkinter Quizzler This is an improved version of the Quiz app that built earlier and uses the console. This version using beautiful UI and fetch data from an incredibly sourceful API

Learn more about 👉 turtle or tkinter



A collection of simple yet interesting python projects.







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