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Releases: aymericbeaumet/pimp


22 Mar 22:37
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Docker images

  • docker pull aymericbeaumet/pimp:latest
  • docker pull aymericbeaumet/pimp:v0.0.6


22 Mar 22:13
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9a85f36 feat: can now be imported

Docker images

  • docker pull aymericbeaumet/pimp:latest
  • docker pull aymericbeaumet/pimp:v0.0.5


21 Mar 19:35
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e262473 feat: add --global to register global Pimpfiles
7f311f1 feat: add CSV template funcs
16ca59b feat: add assert template funcs to the main funcmap
08bd45f feat: add the --eval flag
bc1a39a feat: add the assert template funcs
0019202 feat: add the emoji template funcs
0f65455 feat: add the make template func
a5bcc85 feat: add the stdin template func
fe76ed9 feat: allow global config via ~/.pimrc and PIMP_DEFAULT_OPTS
a92cd35 feat: engine can be initialized without loading local pimpfiles
28ea4fb feat: improve Pimpfile resolution by detecting .git
5cd4c0b feat: initialize engine after args have been reparsed
857bf81 feat: inline scripts without shebang fallback to pimp --run
f66c837 feat: run the command from the local Pimpfile cwd
85ae03b feat: streamline the Pimpfile resolution mecanism
461b9d9 feat: template funcs println->echo, remove print
c07048e fix: omit the --config flag when config is empty
c7766cc refactor: remove Git prefix from git template funcs
7405e16 refactor: remove HTTP prefix from http template funcs
0bdc0f0 refactor: remove Kubernetes prefix from kubernetes template funcs
ae60091 refactor: remove Markdown prefix from markdown template funcs
c52609f refactor: remove SQL prefix from sql template funcs
06d40f8 refactor: remove Semver prefix from semver template funcs
697f3f1 refactor: remove URL prefix from url template funcs
26e7e81 style: adjust newline spacing


20 Mar 10:21
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e2ea0b8 feat: --render, --run, --transpile allows 0 arg and fallback to stdin
1cd529b feat: add "funcs" template func
5379e90 feat: add MarkdownRender template func
f35be44 feat: add MarkdownTOC func
740ea97 feat: add SQL template functions
8f0de2d feat: add cat/echo/tee template funcs
c780cf6 feat: add mkdir and touch template funcs
991ab30 feat: add the CD and PWD template funcs
3389864 feat: add the GitRoot template func
98c880a feat: add the Ls template func
3602ca8 feat: add the SemverLatest template func
32a83b8 feat: add the glob template func
99c1a21 feat: adjust the MarkdownTOC rendering
cfbc7b4 feat: do render inline Pimpfile scripts
a749dce feat: enable Semver functions to receive git tags
3abf51f feat: omit file arg in --render and --run is equivalent to -
2a81603 feat: prevent the h1 from appearing in the TOC
abe6e0f feat: remove oracle sql client
7efdac0 feat: robust support for multiline scripts and semicolons
f93e8ae feat: run stdin when no args are given
c19b941 feat: template func Ls now accepts an argument
6de74b2 fix: no longer render inline scripts
59fc571 refactor: bring the marshal functions in the prelude
cd1c8eb refactor: bring the sprig functions in the prelude
c69011d refactor: no need to support the sprig "must" functions
a3e1a2c refactor: remove template.RenderString
397f307 style: template func capitalization


17 Mar 19:21
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395c644 feat: add --env flag
1bbf333 feat: add colors in --help
e9b5fb1 feat: implement zsh completion for StringSliceFlag
7b3874f feat: improve Print/Println/Printf return types
53570d1 feat: improve prelude
42e329d feat: improve the REPL with history, completion, ...
f59836c feat: make --render accept a single file only
0710ff7 feat: make funcs return concrete types
60254ea feat: remove the --repl flag (use no args instead)
8d0e810 refactor: merge normalize and util packages
a4aa107 refactor: merge normalize and util packages
c72eff4 refactor: move REPL to its own command
9ee24c4 refactor: move funcmaps to functions
6d42654 refactor: revamp the functions packages


15 Mar 19:10
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1cb095d switch placeholder to {...}
62ee62d --dump now produces JSON
4456129 Revert "fix: make sure to check for empty flags"
84e89eb add --help and --version flags
f6475b9 add --zsh flag
b9cdaa8 add a few aliases
574c24e add license
7cab94c add multiline scripts (with shebang)
f7d6332 add sources concept + --dump flag
41fb27d add support for go templates when parsing commands
1862c31 add the GitBranches template func
27569ad add the GitBranches template func
ee9b1aa add the GitReferences template func
e7e7691 add the GitRemoteBranches template func
1684098 add the GitRemotes template func
daf1cbb be more flexible when opening git repositories
c151f60 cache calls to engine.Executables()
8d4b911 catch os.Stdout.Write errors
bc8b17b consistency
b4d71db disable garbage collection
f4dd90e feat: --render now supports stdin with -
c152e56 feat: --render reads stdin by default
0b7be5d feat: add --eval and --repl commands
3c8f2cb feat: add --frozen flag
3839402 feat: add GitTags template function
9a46fbe feat: add JSONIndent and XMLIndent template functions
bb3a4b1 feat: add bash and zsh completions
4ed76b1 feat: add http helpers
4adfc89 feat: add kubernetes contexts listing and improve client init
8fd221a feat: add kubernetes source
704b49e feat: add mutually exclusive flags to zsh completion
7c25ec0 feat: add support for nested placeholders
36c7142 feat: add support for path commands in zsh completion
9d618f2 feat: add the --input flag
48090f8 feat: add the --output and --render flags
d382322 feat: add the --run command
21cead3 feat: add the --run flag
4fe5e97 feat: add the At and Exec template funcs
ca84789 feat: add the Go and Shell marshallers
de3c0b1 feat: add the semver Major/Minor/Patch template functions
bc38136 feat: allow to render several templates at once
92683cb feat: automatically load Pimpfile
e1f5c99 feat: call the repl by default
dd13b4d feat: enable to customize the left/right template delimiters
8e57154 feat: enable to specify mapping values as []string
1a0116e feat: first iteration of zsh completion proxying
ecb6668 feat: flatten the configuration file
3cbde40 feat: improve zsh completion
e51d80e feat: improve zsh completion
674530a feat: improve zsh completion
b428d6f feat: improve zsh completion
d93a326 feat: more advanced zsh completion
d92e432 feat: multiline template rendering and lazy file creation
fdd9ac3 feat: prevent silent errors by logging app.Run errors
1c74435 feat: rename --dry-run to --expand
fc9cd60 feat: rename --zsh to --shell
e655674 feat: return a struct and remove the need for the At helper
f472e00 feat: revamp the funcmap package
3488dc6 first commit
b932e0d fix config ordering
dcb557e fix crash
1f0c5bf fix missing newline
9b50cb8 fix: --render no longer reads stdin by default
676b465 fix: --render now properly deals with --
ddcff92 fix: do not load Pimpfile for shell/zsh flags + preserve order
36a01c6 fix: improve zsh completion when flags are used
fc9aa52 fix: index by pattern[0]
23518e9 fix: make Patch increments correctly
3089a39 fix: make sure execution is aborted for --dump, --render and --shell
e27f31f fix: make sure not to silently exit if an error happens in the Before hook
16e1fe5 fix: make sure pimp options are completed
92d75e9 fix: make sure to check for empty flags
4661e70 fix: more robust --render command
d5a3d7a fix: prevent panic when no args are given
0bc367f fix: remove useless flag
262bc36 fix: use \x00 instead of ___ to mitigate risks of collision
e431b33 fix: use flag pkg for --zsh varargs
a975729 fix: use flag pkg instead of guessing variadic arguments
74bc196 flags order
996ec11 forward signals to command
6211610 improve config parsing and dynamic configuration file
017147d improve template
98061a2 make --dry-run shell compatible
c122704 more robust --zsh option
55510f1 move configuration file to external file
fcac36e naming
3529b9d options parsing + dry run
dc12e30 perf: index mappings by args[0]
70bc18a rearrange code
f5db093 refactor: idiomatic go code
5979ffe refactor: more explicit function name
d54ba6d refactor: move code to the command pkg
4b34e89 refactor: move engine to its own package
01cec3d refactor: move flag parsing to
05c0460 refactor: prepare zsh completion for new cmdargs parsing
3f160ea refactor: remove --run command
77533b1 refactor: rename MainAction to DefaultCommand
ec56937 refactor: rename engine.Executables() to engine.Commands()
65e1218 refactor: reorganize funcmaps
d8bfbcb refactor: simplify --render code
9e7e612 refactor: simplify code
d8c3462 refactor: simplify flags skipping
f1a757e remove panics
d32078b remove waitgroup
900a5cc rename to pimp
828b805 simple git remap
4b1f07f simple mappings
3658169 simple proxying
3ab3292 style: fix indent
ac581fc style: limit usage description to 80 characters
7e68b26 style: remove SkipFlagParsing for cli commands
6205484 style: remove extra line
62caab6 style: sort commands in alphabetical order
4ea9d30 template + fzf impl
c5b5c1d update readme
2c7fe35 update readme
08e5b96 update readme
9b18a56 update readme
3e78d81 update readme