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@danez danez released this 10 Jan 21:41
· 465 commits to master since this release

6.15.0 (2017-01-10)

πŸ‘“ Spec Compliancy

Add support for Flow shorthand import type (#267) (Jeff Morrison)

This change implements flows new shorthand import syntax
and where previously you had to write this code:

import {someValue} from "blah";
import type {someType} from "blah";
import typeof {someOtherValue} from "blah";

you can now write it like this:

import {
  type someType,
  typeof someOtherValue,
} from "blah";

For more information look at this pull request.

flow: allow leading pipes in all positions (#256) (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

This change now allows a leading pipe everywhere types can be used:

var f = (x): | 1 | 2 => 1;

Throw error when exporting non-declaration (#241) (Kai Cataldo)

Previously babylon parsed the following exports, although they are not valid:

export typeof foo;
export new Foo();
export function() {};
export for (;;);
export while(foo);

πŸ› Bug Fix

Don't set inType flag when parsing property names (#266) (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

This fixes parsing of this case:

const map = {
  [age <= 17] : 'Too young'

Fix source location for JSXEmptyExpression nodes (fixes #248) (#249) (James Long)

The following case produced an invalid AST

<div>{/* foo */}</div>

Use fromCodePoint to convert high value unicode entities (#243) (Ryan Duffy)

When high value unicode entities (e.g. πŸ’©) were used in the input source code they are now correctly encoded in the resulting AST.

Rename folder to avoid Windows-illegal characters (#281) (Ryan Plant)

Allow this.state.clone() when parsing decorators (#262) (Alex Rattray)

🏠 Internal

User external-helpers (#254) (Daniel Tschinder)

Add watch script for dev (#234) (Kai Cataldo)

Freeze current plugins list for "*" option, and remove from (#245) (Andrew Levine)

Prepare tests for multiple fixture runners. (#240) (Daniel Tschinder)

Add some test coverage for decorators stage-0 plugin (#250) (Andrew Levine)

Refactor tokenizer types file (#263) (Sven SAULEAU)

Update eslint-config-babel to the latest version πŸš€ (#273) (greenkeeper[bot])

chore(package): update rollup to version 0.41.0 (#272) (greenkeeper[bot])

chore(package): update flow-bin to version 0.37.0 (#255) (greenkeeper[bot])