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Is there a fucking ____ game today?


Run a local build

Install the dependencies

npm ci

Run the Server

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Export, and serve, the static site

Install the dependencies

npm ci

Build the assets

npm run build:production

Run a static webserver

npm run serve-static

Create a version for your favorite team

There are two things that need to be done to add a team:

Edit the application variables:

  • Edit the @homeTeamColor variable in ./src/client/styles/globals.css
  • Edit the anything you'd like to change in variables in ./next.config.js

Download the schedule and convert it to json:

  1. Go to the MLB Schedule Website
  2. Click on "Downloadable Schedule" for your team
  3. Scroll down and download the "Full Season Schedule" csv file
  4. Run node schedule-converter.js with the csv you just downloaded

Note: The converter script relies on several Node modules. Make sure you've already run npm ci


Many many thanks to isthereagiantsgametoday for the inspiration.


MIT License