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Releases: banditcpp/bandit

Bandit v2.0.0

26 Jul 17:54
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  • no more using the deprecated auto_ptr.
  • new matchers inspired by Cedar. Check the included specs to see how to use them.
  • make bandit stop at first failure with --break-on-failure command line arg.
  • removal of a lot of compiler warnings

Bandit v1.1.4

19 Oct 12:01
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This release fixes warnings when compiling in mingw. (Issue #19)

Bandit v1.1.3

17 Oct 07:59
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On Windows: this release minimizes what's included from windows.h to avoid redefinition errors. (Issue #18)

Bandit v1.1.2

19 Aug 19:10
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This release fixes level 4 compiler warnings and memory leak warnings when building with Visual Studio.

Bandit v1.1.1

11 Aug 19:22
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fix: reducing risk of name collisions

  • Removed a 'using namespace std;' which caused the std namespace to leak to client code.
  • Moved all types except the functions making up the grammar of bandit to the 'bandit::detail' namespace to reduce the risk of collisions.

fix: bandit didn't compile on gcc < 4.7

Bandit have now been successfully built and tested on:

  • gcc v4.5 - v4.8
  • clang 3.2.0
  • Visual Studio 2012

Bandit v1.1.0

10 Aug 15:59
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Skipping Tests

It's now possible to skip tests.

From within code by using describe_skip() or it_skip().

From command line by using the --skip=<substring> option. This will skip all describe() or it() whose names contain <substring>

Running Subset of Tests

It's now possible to run a subset of the tests by using the --only=<substring> command line options. This will only run those describe() and it() whose names matches <substring>.

Spec Reporter

This progress reporter prints out all 'describe' and 'it' together with their execution status, resulting in a summary of all your specifications. The spec reporter can be selected by passing the --reporter=spec command line option to the bandit executable.

(fix) The executable returns an error code if no tests are registered.

First Release

03 Aug 06:49
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This is the first public release of Bandit.

An experimental release

29 Jul 19:42
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This is not ready for download yet. If you want to play around with bandit, do a git clone and follow the instructions in