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param-type NPM version

Is function() {} = function() {}? Or {} = {}? "hello" = new String("hello")? Now they are. params-equal checks if two given parameters are equal and works for cases, other programs do not check. Optimalised to be as fast as it is possible and tested to work as intended.


Install with npm:

$ npm install --save params-equal
import paramsEqual from 'params-equal';
const paramsEqual = require('params-equal').default;

paramsEqual(NaN, NaN) //=> true

paramsEqual(NaN, 0 / 0) //=> true

paramsEqual(null, null) //=> true

paramsEqual(true, true) //=> true

paramsEqual(true, false) //=> false

paramsEqual("", "") //=> true

paramsEqual("", "hi") //=> false

paramsEqual(2, 2) //=> true

paramsEqual(2, 4) //=> false

paramsEqual(2, "4") //=> false

paramsEqual(-0, +0) // => false

paramsEqual(Infinity, Infinity) // => true

paramsEqual(Infinity, 1 / 0) // => true

paramsEqual(-0, -0)) // => true

paramsEqual(/a/g, /a/g) //=> true

paramsEqual(/a/g, /a/u) //=> false

paramsEqual(/b/g, /a/g) //=> false

paramsEqual(/a/g, new RegExp('a', 'g')) //=> true

paramsEqual(Symbol(12), Symbol(12)) //=> true

paramsEqual(Symbol(12), Symbol("12")) //=> true

paramsEqual(Symbol(12), Symbol(6)) //=> false

paramsEqual(new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true)) //=> true

paramsEqual(new Boolean(true), new Boolean(false)) //=> false

paramsEqual(new Object(), new Object()) //=> true

paramsEqual([], []) //=> true

paramsEqual([1], []) //=> false

paramsEqual({}, []) //=> false

paramsEqual(function() {}, function() {}) //=> true

paramsEqual(function hi() {}, function() {}) //=> false

paramsEqual(() => {}, function() {}) //=> false

paramsEqual(function() {}, function() {return false; }) //=> false

paramsEqual(async function() {}, function() {}) //=> false

paramsEqual(new Date(), new Date(1256252)) //=> false

paramsEqual({ hi: { hello: 1 } }, { hi: { hello: "1" } }) //=> false

paramsEqual([{ hi: "hello" }, "hi"], [{ hi: "hello" }, "hi"]) //=> true

  log: [],
  set yo(name: string) {
  get yo() {
    return "this is set";
  log: [],
  get yo() {
    return "this is set";
}) //=> false

  log: [],
  yo: "this is set"
  log: [],
  get yo() {
    return "this is set";
}) //=> false

  log: [],
  set yo(name: string) {
  get yo() {
    return "this is set";
  log: [],
  set yo(name: string) {
  get yo() {
    return "this is set";
}) //=> true

const a = { hi: "hello", s: {} };
const b = { hi: "hello", s: {} };
const c = { hi: "h", c: {} };

c.c = c;
a.s = a;
b.s = c;
paramsEqual(a, b) //=> RangeError("You are not allowed to create infinite nest")


  • Unit tests:
$ npm install && npm test




Copyright © 2018, kmdrGroch. Released under the MIT License.


The code will work for node >= 8, although there is a possibility that development tools won't work for some versions.