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Showcase your portfolio

Project Setup

git is required on your system

# clone the git repository
git clone

Install node dependencies

# switch into the project folder
cd showroom-frontend

# install dependencies
npm install

Also check and if necessary adapt the configuration:

# create a copy of the default environment variables
cp .env-skel .env

# use your favourite text editor to inspect and adapt the config file 
nano .env

# if you need to adapt the default values for e.g. the leaflet tile-layer service
# create a copy of the default settings
cp config/settings-skel.js config/settings.js

# and edit the settings
nano config/settings.js

For configuration details and possible options see the config section.

Production Setup

git and docker are required on the system.

# build and start the Showroom App
make start

Configuration of the Showroom App

The configuration of your project can be done with environment variables specified in a .env file.

Configurable values:

Following variables in the .env file contained in project folder can be defined and must be available:

Variable Description
APP_TITLE name of the app, used to set title tag
INSTITUTION_ID the id of the institution this showroom belongs to as assigned in showroom backend
APP_BASE_URL url where the frontend is located
APP_PREFIX desired prefix of the application
API_SPEC_URL url to the open-api-definition in json format
BACKEND_BASE_URL url where the backend is located (e.g for login/logout)
BACKEND_PREFIX prefix for the backend
HEADER_JSON url where the latest header version is specified
HEADER_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL url to redirect after logout
HEADER_URL_TERMS link to terms and conditions
HEADER_URL_NOTICE link to site legal notice
LOCALES available locales
DEFAULT_LOCALE default language, if one should be set (else the browser language will be used)
EN_TITLE_CASING as per default with locale set to english, all text except complete sentences will be title-cased. Set false to turn this behaviour off.
USER_PREFERENCES_URL url where the user preferences app is located
AUTH_REQUIRED set true for users to be redirected to login page if not authenticated
USER_PREFERENCES_URL define how many rows of search results should be displayed
BASE_UI_ICONS url to icons spriteSheet (base-ui-icons.svg)

Following .env variable get updated during project start up - so no need to set up!

Variable Description
HEADER complete header url (can also be set manually via gulp set-header)