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Matthew Logan edited this page May 18, 2024 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Quackstack Team Capstone Project 🚀

Our Mission

We're embarking on a journey to develop a mobile-first, intuitive, and modern web application inspired by the BC Government NMP Calculator (

Our goal is to leverage technologies we're comfortable with, such as Postgres, Express, React, and Node (**PERN), while also exploring new tools like OpenShift, Progressive Web Apps, GitHub Actions, Docker and more.

This project is not just about building, it's a learning journey!

The Quackstack Crew 👥

Proudly Sponsored By the Sustainment Team

We're honored to receive support from British Columbia's Natural Resources Sustainment Team. A big thank you to them for making this project possible!

Repository Details

This repository was bootstrapped using the Quickstart for OpenShift (