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Let's make a bot that sounds like Mr Trump


At the end of this, we will have a working "bot" that can "create" "Tweets" based on Mr Trumps' past tweets

Step 1: Grab Input Data

  • This site seems to have an archive
  • Export it however you want. We did it as json and copy-pasted into data/raw.json

Step 2: Read Data into JS

const raw_data = require("./data/raw.json");

// How many tweets do we have?
// but add them commas or periods
// depending on where I live

As of the time of writing, it was 42,932. ALMOST 43 THOUSAND TWEETS!

Step 3: Slice and Dice

Once we have the data in Javascript, let's start slicing and dicing this data, to see what it looks like.

First, let's take the first 5 items, just to get a sampling of what it look slike

const R = require("ramda");

const first5 = R.take(5, raw_data);


should output something along the lines of

    "source": "Twitter for iPhone",
    "text": "Pushed hard to have Apple build in USA!",
    "created_at": "Sun Nov 24 04:53:36 +0000 2019",
    "retweet_count": 6286,
    "favorite_count": 26151,
    "is_retweet": false,
    "id_str": "1198464662960066560"
    "source": "Twitter for iPhone",
    "text": "",
    "created_at": "Sun Nov 24 04:21:43 +0000 2019",
    "retweet_count": 6181,
    "favorite_count": 17043,
    "is_retweet": false,
    "id_str": "1198456640011415552"
    "source": "Twitter for iPhone",
    "text": "",
    "created_at": "Sun Nov 24 04:20:43 +0000 2019",
    "retweet_count": 4186,
    "favorite_count": 12835,
    "is_retweet": false,
    "id_str": "1198456385157128193"
    "source": "Twitter for iPhone",
    "text": "",
    "created_at": "Sun Nov 24 04:19:10 +0000 2019",
    "retweet_count": 5010,
    "favorite_count": 14574,
    "is_retweet": false,
    "id_str": "1198455998199091201"
    "source": "Twitter for iPhone",
    "text": "95% Approval Rate in the Republican Party, a record! Thank you!",
    "created_at": "Sat Nov 23 22:57:15 +0000 2019",
    "retweet_count": 20845,
    "favorite_count": 105912,
    "is_retweet": false,
    "id_str": "1198374984902676480"

Seems like most of their tweets are "quote tweets", indicated by the prefix on links. Let's filter out all tweets that are "quote tweets" and see how many we have left

// 36,854
    R.compose(R.not, R.propSatisfies(R.contains(""), "text")),

Since the "quote tweet" is less likely than a "regular" tweet, any "smart" worker would not include it in its regular "creation" so we can savely remove it for our testing

const actual_tweets = R.filter(
  R.compose(R.not, R.propSatisfies(R.contains(""), "text")),

But how many of those "actual tweets" are retweets?

    R.compose(R.propEq(true, "is_retweet")),

It says 0! Hmmm. that seems weird but okay. Let's look for tweets that start with RT

const text ="text"), actual_tweets);
const actual_tweet_text = R.filter(val => R.indexOf("RT", val) !== 0);

That sounds about right.

Step 3: Grams, Lots and Lots of Grams

Now that we have a list of their tweets and only their tweets, we can start massaging the data into n-grams. We are using n-grams here so that we can keep track of what word(s) follow what other words in order to be able to "create" new posts.

n-gram letters

Let's start with a binary-gram for letters for the first 10 tweets:

const text ="text"), actual_tweets);
const actual_tweet_text = R.filter(val => R.indexOf("RT", val) !== 0, text);
const first10 = R.take(10, actual_tweet_text);

const makeNgram = (n, list, sep = " ") => {
  if (!n || n < 1) {
    throw new Error("You must give a number higher than 0");

  if (!list) {
    throw new Error("You must give me a list of things to gram-ify");

  return list.reduce((a, c, i, arr) => {
    // If we are at the end, we won't get
    // all the needed values
    const possibleNextValues = arr.slice(i + 1, i + n);

    // so we can fill it in
    const nextValues = Array.from(
      { length: n - 1 },
      (_, j) => possibleNextValues[j] || "__EMPTY__"

    const gram = [c, ...nextValues];
    return [...a, gram.join(sep)];
  }, []);

const just_words =\s/), first10);

console.log( => makeNgram(2, list), just_words));

Step 4: Count N-grams

Now that we have some bi-grams, let's reduce all of them into a single count across multiple documents. This way, we can see how often each prefix comes up, how often it is followed by a suffix, etc.

const bigrams = => makeNgram(2, list), just_words);

// Gets the count of the times a given
// n-gram suffix follows a given n-gram
// prefix
const get_suffix_count = grams => {
  const cache = {};

  for (let i = 0; i < grams.length; i++) {
    const gram = grams[i];

    const nextItem = grams[i + 1] ? grams[i + 1] : "__EMPTY__";

    if (cache[gram]) {
      if (cache[gram][nextItem]) {

      cache[gram] = {
        [nextItem]: 1

    cache[gram] = {
      [nextItem]: 1

  return cache;

// Gets amount of times a specific gram was used
const get_frequency_gram = grams => {
  const cache = {};
  for (let i = 0; i < grams.lenght; i++) {
    // case insensitive
    const gram = grams[i].toLowerCase();
    cache[gram] = (cache[gram] || 0) + 1;

  return cache;

and since this will take awhile to do for all of their tweets, let's save the values into some json file

const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const { promisify } = require("util");

const writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile);

  path.resolve(__dirname, "data", "freq.json"),
  JSON.stringify(freq_hash, null, 2)
  .then(() =>
      path.resolve(__dirname, "data", "count.json"),
      JSON.stringify(counts_hash, null, 2)

Step 5: Make Random Guesses

Now that we have the counts and frequencies, we can start making random guesses as to what the next word should be!

const freq_hash = require("./data/freq.json");
const counts_hash = require("./data/count.json");

const findNextsWord = (freqs, counts, prefix) => {
  // Find what has followed the prefix
  // given our entire corpus
  const next_word_frequencies = counts[prefix] || {};
  const count_hash = {};

  for (const [suffix, frequencies] of Object.entries(next_word_frequencies)) {
    count_hash[suffix] = frequencies;

  const word_freq = {};

  for (const [key] of Object.entries(count_hash)) {
    // Find how many times this word/hprase has been chosen
    // given our entire corpus
    word_freq[key] = freqs[key.toLowerCase()];

  const words = Object.keys(word_freq);

  return words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)];

const Prefix = "Wife";
let tweet = "";
let last_word = Prefix;
// whi
while (
  // it is not over the 280 chars
  tweet.length < 280 &&
  // it is not closed by EMPTY
  last_word !== "__EMPTY__"
) {
  last_word = findNextsWord(freq_hash, counts_hash, last_word);
  tweet += " " + last_word;

console.dir(`${Prefix}${tweet}`.replace("__EMPTY__", "").trim());


Let's make a bot that sounds like Mr Trump






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