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Beefboard's post storage api


Development is done with typescript, jest, and postgres.

npm install to start developing


npm start will run the server in development mode.


npm run build will build the source from typescript. Where it can then be launched with node build/app.js

source-map-support is used to map ts source to js, so that stacktraces in javascript make sense


For linting we use the airbnb's config (tslint-airbnb-config), with some rule changes.

There are custom git-hooks in place, which do not allow commiting without a linting pass. It is highly recommeded that vscode and the tslint extension are installed, which allows for automatic lint fixes.

npm run lint will test linting


Testing is completed using ts-jest. Unit-tests use sqlite as a database, which means that tests can be completed without any pre-requisets.

Before pushing to the development or master branches tests will be expected to pass.

npm test will run test suites