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Beefboard's ratings API


Developed in node with typescript gradings allows ratings to be placed on Beefboard post ids from a specific user id.


npm install will install dependencies for testing


airbnb-config-tslint rules are used for tslint as a linting tool. Full complience with tslint rules is required.


Unit testing is completed in issolation with sqlite3 as a database, and jest as a testing framework.

npm test to run unit testing.

Unit testing requires 100% branch and code coverage, apart from src/server.ts.


Acceptence testing is a final stage to testing, it requires docker-compose and docker to be installed on the testing system.

In order to run acceptence tests the docker image must be built from the sourcecode: docker build -t gradings:development .

Acceptence will run the services in docker-compose.acceptence.yml and then run the acceptence.spec.ts


master and development pipelines will automatically build and redeploy docker service on on the beefboard stack upon tests passing.