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Releases: bemusic/bemuse

v1.0.0-beta.20: Options Screen Improvements

23 Aug 17:20
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  • Audio latency compensation now available. Just go to options screen and click the “Calibrate” button.
  • You can now set the speed directly inside the options screen.

v1.0.0-beta.19: #bmson

23 Aug 17:18
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  • Experimental support for bmson notechart, a new notechart format that will hopefully make authoring notecharts for rhythm games much, much easier. Please read the full announcement here.

v1.0.0-beta.18: Two keys for the turntable!

10 Aug 17:11
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Some people have been requesting this, so I’m glad to announce that it’s now possible to assign 2 keys to the turntable.


  • Performance improvements in the music selection and options screen.

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v1.0.0-beta.16: 5-keys BMS support, deps update

04 Aug 17:04
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This release of Bemuse comes with support for 5-keys BMS.

5-keys BMS support

This release of Bemuse allows playing of 5-keys BMS files. 5-keys BMS charts are highlighted in green.

screen shot 2015-08-04 at 23 44 19

It is only basic support, and the game will still display as 7 keys. However, when 5 keys BMS is detected, we perform column adjustments based on scratch position, according to this table:

Scratch Position 左の皿 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 右の皿
Left 1 2 3 4 5    
Disabled   1 2 3 4 5  
Right     1 2 3 4 5

As a result, these 5-keys charts on the default music server becomes playable:

  • CHICKEN for the WIN
    • 5 SUMMONED
    • 5 BUFFED
    • 5 ENRAGED
  • 僕たちの旅とエピローグ。
    • normal
  • 가짜/인형/술사/이야기
    • 5Keys Normal
    • 5Keys Hyper

Dependencies Update

The JavaScript ecosystem is evolving fast, and we need to keep updating our dependencies to the latest version, in order to reap the most benefits from modern web technologies. Notable changes:

  • We migrated to Pixi.js v3, which should be “faster and better in almost every way!”
  • Babel, the JavaScript transpiler we use has been upgraded from ^4.3.0 to ^5.8.20
  • And a lot of other dependencies.


  • The background image has been moved out of the game layer, and is now managed via the DOM.

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27 Jul 16:02
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  • You can now see your own ranking in the music selection screen.


22 Jul 17:33
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  • Fixed a small bug where you cannot sign in / create a new account in the result screen, because keystrokes handled by the game subsystem instead of the user interface.

v1.0.0-beta.14: Online Ranking System

22 Jul 17:12
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New Features

  • Online Ranking System! A preliminary1 ranking system, powered by Parse.


  • The Custom BMS dialog will now pop up automatically when you drag something over the “Custom BMS” button in music selection screen.

1 By preliminary, I really mean it. While it should work fine, the online scoreboard system may need to go through several refinements. If necessary, the whole scoreboard may be cleared at any time before v1.0.0 final is released. Nevertheless, I would really love for you to try them out and give feedback.

v1.0.0-beta.13 — Offline Support

18 Jun 00:40
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This release brings offline support (and other small fixes). Now you can play Bemuse while ๆbeing completely offline.

Offline Support

Offline support is made possible through a new HTML5 technology, Service Worker, which allows web application to manage all network resouces (and more).


  • Added preliminary documentation about Bemuse's BMS support and running your own music server.
  • The sky background has been removed from the touch gameplay screen. It has been found to have caught frame rate drops in iOS.
  • Added a disclaimer when playing a non-official music server.
  • Fixed a bug where the game fails to load BMS files with special characters from the server. This is due to it not being properly URL-encoded, which makes files like fail to load. ddb13eb

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v1.0.0-beta.11 — Custom BMS now supported

18 May 17:15
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This release brings the custom BMS support, and other various bug fixes and improvements.

Custom BMS Support

We are excited to announce that you can now play custom BMS songs in Bemuse, right in the browser.

For those who don't know what BMS is, it is a playable song format for rhythm games. Every year, hundreds of songs are created in this format, and can be played in any BMS player, and Bemuse is just one of them. You can read about the history of BMS from this excellent article, “What is BMS?

Currently, we only support Google Chrome. In the music selection screen, click on the Play Custom BMS button and drag a BMS folder into the drop area.

Drag a BMS folder and drop it inside Bemuse!

Then the song will be added to the top of the music list.

screen shot 2015-05-18 at 23 51 09

Now you can play that song like any online songs! I think we now really have a cross-platform BMS player1.


  • Fixed the problem where Bemuse refuses to read data from some music server. These servers report that the metadata is just a "plain text data" (as opposed to the expected "JSON data").
  • New songs are now sorted in reverse-chronological order.
  • Fixed bug where some keysounds failed to load when filename has wrong capitalization (for example, #WAV Piano-001.ogg is declared where the actual filename is piano-001.ogg).
  • Subtle changes to how freestyle sounds (sounds played when pressing buttons without hitting a note) are played. See #186 for more discussion.

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1 As it has been pointed out, this statement isn’t entirely accurate. Bemuse is not the first cross-platform BMS player. But to the best of our knowledge, it is the first one that is readily playable without having to compile from source on non-major platform and offers native support for BMS. We apologize for any misconception.


08 May 17:19
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v1.0.0-beta.9.2 Pre-release
  • Newly-added songs are now at the top of the song list.
  • Twitter account is linked from the title screen. Follow @bemusegame on Twitter.
  • YouTube videos are added to the Information tab of songs that has a music video.