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WIP: Generate documentation from your js, ts and vue source files


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Software documentation revued for modern developers.
Supports JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue SFC-s and custom sources as well.

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🔨 This repository is WIP. Everything could break at any time. 🔧

Current status: initial implementation in progress, unpublished.

@bencelang/vuedocs is an automated software documentation tool inspired by vue, vue-cli, vuepress and jsdoc. Supports JavaScript (ESNext), Typescript ans Vue SFC sources out of the box, but you can add support for virtually any file format via our plugin system.

VueDocs supports standard jsdoc and tsdoc notation, however we use an extended set of each. For a complete list of available tags, please see this. You can also create custom tags through the Plugin API.


Tip: For @vue/cli 3+ generated projects, check out @bencelang/vue-cli-plugin-docs.

You can install the tool globally, so you can leverage the built-in cli in all of your repositories:

yarn global add @bencelang/vuedocs
# or
npm install -g @bencelang/vuedocs

Another options is to include the package in your local devDependencies:

yarn add -D @bencelang/vuedocs
# or
npm install --save-dev @bencelang/vuedocs

Getting started

@bencelang/vuedocs allows you to use jsdoc style documentation in your source files, then extract the docs into various formats.

Take the following sources:

// my-script.js
* This is an example method
* @param {string} firstParam Example parameter of this example method
* @param {string} secondParam Example parameter again 
function exampleMethod(firstParam, secondParam) {
// ...
<!-- MyComponent.vue -->
* This is an example description for the component
export default {
 name: "MyComponent",
 props: ["firstProp", "secondProp"]

And generate documentation for them:

vuedocs my-script.js MyComponent.vue

You should see and files generated in the docs/api folder:

# my-script.js

### `exampleMethod(firstParam: string, secondParam: string): void`
This is an example method

| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| `firstParam` | `string` | Example parameter of this example method |
| `secondParam` | `string` | Example parameter again |

**Returns:** This function does not return anything.
# MyComponent

This is an example description for the component

## Props
| Name | 
| ---- | 
| `firstProp` |
| `secondProp` |

Tip: Check out this description on how to document vue files.

Now you can use something like vuepress to convert these markdown files into a static, predendered website which has built-in search functionality, a documentation-optimized default theme, and much more:

vuepress dev docs/api
# After the server starts, visit the url displayed in your terminal 

For more advanced vuepress integration, please check out @bencelang/vuedocs-plugin-vuepress.


vuedocs [options] [...files]

# TODO: Demonstrate cli usage


import VueDocs from "vuedocs";

// TODO: Demonstrate api


Configuration can be done via cli options or a separate config file, named one of the following:

  • vuedocs.config.js
  • .vuedocsrc.js
  • .vuedocsrc
  • vuedocs.json

The config files are resolved in order from up to down, recursively upwards from the source directory. .vuedocsrc and vuedocs.json formats should be written in pure JSON, whereas files ending with .js should expose a CommonJS default export object, like so:

module.exports = {
  // Your options


Name Description Default
source Source directory of your application path.resolve(__dirname, "src")
dest Destination directory for generated markdown files path.resolve(__dirname, "docs")
apiDir Directory to nest generated API documentation under "/api", set "" to disable
extensions Array of file extensions (as globs) to filter sources through [".{j,t}s",".vue"]
copy Array of globs to always copy and overwrite from the project root to the destination folder README, LICENSE and NOTICE files
include Array of globs to include in the generation, in addition to the source directory []
exclude Array of globs to exclude from the generation node_modules, tests and __tests__ directories
hooks Object of callback functions in arrays to call upon certain events, keyed by hook. See available hooks below. []
pluginOptions Object of custom options for plugins. {}


PRs are welcome! ❤️ Please check out our contribution guidelines.



Copyright © 2020 Bence Láng


WIP: Generate documentation from your js, ts and vue source files








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