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📔 Table of Contents

1. About the porject


Give item's tag name and it's incomming/outgoing items' name, to get a graph (DAG, or Directed Acyclic Graph) that shows the visualized dependencies graph among these items.

1.1. Build with

1.1.1. Tech Stack

TypeScript React Styled Component

1.1.2. Features CRUD on items

  • Create items by Tags and their edges (arrows / dependencies)
  • Update item's title by double click
  • Delete item and its edges (arrows)
    • delete all
    • delete by Tag Interactions

  • Drag and drop support
  • Select arrows style
  • Dark/Light mode
  • Local storage to keep items datas between sessions

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2. Getting Started

2.1. Prerequisites

Node version v14.17.0

2.2. Installation

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install

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3. Usage


  • Basic CRUD on items
  • Drag and drop support
  • Select arrows style
  • Dark/Light mode
  • Local storage to keep items datas between sessions

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4. Roadmap

  • useDrawConnectorDynamic 利用閉包來做 Memoizer
  • update vertex name (double click)
    • 利用 vertex name / value 資料結構 - 僅顯示端顯示沒問題
    • 處理 click / double click 兩者,利用可取消的 Promise
  • delete vertex (maybe hover over trash can icon) -- instance of class 造成 uncontorlled component
    • 封裝在 dagContext 內,並新增 update state 通知 React dag 內部已經修改
  • bar select different arrows style

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5. Acknowledgments

5.1. About DAG

Directedd Acyclic Graph
  • 舉例,按照以下順序創建 vertex ,箭頭 → 表示彼此流向關係:

    Incomming → Vertex → Outgoing
    Benson Alice
    Alice Catherine
    Ben Benson Catherine
    Eva Benson David
    [ Ben, Flora ] Catherine [ David, George ]
  • V.1 See example below image

  • graph.vertices Object by console.table() :

│  (index)  │    name     │                 incoming                  │         incomingNames          │ hasOutgoing │ value │
│  Benson   │  'Benson'   │     { Ben: [Object], Eva: [Object] }      │        [ 'Ben', 'Eva' ]        │    true     │ null  │
│   Alice   │   'Alice'   │           { Benson: [Object] }            │          [ 'Benson' ]          │    true     │ null  │
│ Catherine │ 'Catherine' │                 [Object]                  │ [ 'Alice', 'Benson', 'Flora' ] │    true     │ null  │
│    Ben    │    'Ben'    │                    {}                     │               []               │    true     │ null  │
│   David   │   'David'   │ { Benson: [Object], Catherine: [Object] } │   [ 'Benson', 'Catherine' ]    │    false    │ null  │
│    Eva    │    'Eva'    │                    {}                     │               []               │    true     │ null  │
│  George   │  'George'   │          { Catherine: [Object] }          │        [ 'Catherine' ]         │    false    │ null  │
│   Flora   │   'Flora'   │                    {}                     │               []               │    true     │ null  │
  • graph.rank Object by console.table() :
│  (index)  │ Values │
│  George   │   0    │
│   David   │   0    │
│ Catherine │   1    │
│   Flora   │   2    │
│   Alice   │   2    │
│  Benson   │   3    │
│    Eva    │   4    │
│    Ben    │   4    │

5.2. About this project

5.2.1. Dev Logs

5.2.2. Directory Structure

🌲 Directory Structure
├── Arrow
│   └── Arrow.tsx
├── ArrowRenderer.tsx
├── DeleteVertex # 🔺 Controller on DAG
│   ├── DeleteVertex.tsx
│   └── style.ts
├── Draggble
│   ├── Draggable.tsx
│   ├── DraggableCore.tsx
│   ├── domFns.ts
│   ├── draggable.test.tsx
│   ├── log.ts
│   ├── positionFns.ts
│   └── types.ts
├── DrawGraph.tsx # 🔺 View on DAG
├── GraphMiddleWare.tsx # 🔺
├── InputForm # 🔺 Controller on DAG
│   ├── VertexInput.tsx
│   └── styles.ts
├── ResetDag # 🔺 Controller on DAG
│   ├── ResetDag.tsx
│   └── style.ts
├── SelectArrowStyle
│   ├── SelectArrowStyle.tsx
│   └── style.ts
├── TogglerButton
│   ├── ToggleButton.tsx
│   └── styles.ts
├── Vertex
│   ├── Rename.tsx
│   ├── Vertex.tsx
│   └── styles.ts
├── VertexRenderer.tsx
├── contexts
│   ├── DagContext.tsx
│   ├── PositionContext.tsx
│   ├── ThemeContext.tsx
│   └── types.ts
├── hooks
│   ├── useCancellablePromises.ts
│   ├── useDagStorage.ts
│   ├── useDrawSVGConnector.ts
│   └── useThemeMode.ts
├── styles
│   ├── global.ts
│   └── themes.ts
└── utils
    ├── arrowsInfoGetter.ts
    ├── cancellablePromise.ts
    ├── inputParser.ts
    ├── svgPathHandler.ts
    └── uitls.test.ts


playing around with DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)







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