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Provides Emmet abbreviation expansion and completion support for Monaco Editor, for faster and more efficient HTML, CSS, and other code generation.


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Monaco Plugin Emmet

Provides Emmet abbreviation expansion and completion support for Monaco Editor, for faster and more efficient HTML, CSS, and other code generation.


npm i monaco-plugin-emmet


yarn add monaco-plugin-emmet


import { registerEmmet } from 'monaco-plugin-emmet'

// Register Emmet completion provider for 'html' language with predefined snippets
registerEmmet(monaco, ['html'], {
  html: { card: '.card>.card-body{${0}}' }

// Your Monaco Editor implementation here...

For a more comprehensive understanding of the Browser implementation, please refer to the file index.html, which contains the necessary code and configurations.


registerEmmet(monaco, langs, snippetsGroup)

Registers the Emmet completion provider for the specified languages and snippet groups.

  • monaco: The Monaco Editor instance.
  • langs: An array of language identifiers for which to register the completion provider.
  • snippetsGroup: An optional object representing a group of snippets for different languages.

createSnippets(model, position, snippetsMap)

Creates snippets for the specified model, position, and snippet map.

  • model: The Monaco Editor text model.
  • position: The position in the text model where snippets are created.
  • snippetsMap: A map of snippets where the keys are the snippet names and the values are the snippet content.
// Register custom snippets for the 'html' language
import { createSnippets, SnippetsMap } from 'monaco-plugin-emmet'

const htmlSnippets: SnippetsMap = {
  card: '.card>.card-body{${1}}',
  'btn:primary': 'button[class="${1:btn btn-primary}"]{${2}}'

monaco.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider('html', {
  provideCompletionItems(model, position) {
    return {
      suggestions: createSnippets(model, position, htmlSnippets)


We 💛  issues.

When committing, please conform to the semantic-release commit standards. Please install commitizen and the adapter globally, if you have not already.

npm i -g commitizen cz-conventional-changelog

Now you can use git cz or just cz instead of git commit when committing. You can also use git-cz, which is an alias for cz.

git add . && git cz



A project by Stilearning © 2021-2023.